Chapter 1

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I am in Monroe's shop as he tells me about the Krampus, "The Krampus is an anti-Santa Wesen resembling a wild sheep. According to legend he appears before Christmas and kidnaps naughty children who he keeps up in the tallest tree at the tallest spot."

"He does this with the intention of eating the children and then disappearing for a whole year. He is not aware that he is Krampus, or even Wesen."

"He is only able to woge from the first of December to the twenty-first when he enters a state of constant woge so fixed that even the loss of consciousness is unable to cause him to revert."

"It is during this time that Krampus can be said to actually exist." Monroe said explaining thouroughly.

Then he continued "Krampus hunts naughty children and adolescents, admonishing them for their bad behavior before beating them with a wooden switch and stuffing them in a large sack, leaving a large lump of coal behind at the abduction site. This coal is natively found at the North Pole."

"Upon abducting the children, Krampus hangs them from baskets like ornaments in the tallest tree in the tallest spot on the land with the intention of devouring them on the night of the Winter Solstice."

"How come?" I said.

"Well no one knows why."

"Let me continue. As Krampus exists for only three weeks out of every year and his human self is completely unaware of his Wesen self, Krampus has no culture of his own and is thought to be mythical even by other Wesen. The relationship between the Wesen and human form is sort of a 'Jekyll and Hyde'-like relationship, with the human side unaware of its true nature, and the Wesen side acting completely on its own accord."

I was asking about the Krampus because last night, I fought the Krampus as I saw he was hitting a boy about 9 and stuffing him in a sack.

At least Monroe explained why.

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