31. Runaway

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Jolie's POV:

Down in the dumps due to my recent dialysis treatment, I planned on spending the day at the house, enjoying a nice drink while my mother and brother were at work. What I wouldn't give to be able to work like a normal person, but I guess having a few drinks would be a close second.

I took my first sip from my bottle when I heard a tap on my red front door. One tap was followed by several more taps, and I finally got the energy to open the door. I was in my pajamas, and not looking the brightest, so hopefully no one of importance was at the door.

When the door was swung open, I faced nothing but the open field of my yard. My eyes trailed down, and that's when I see Avie Boston, dressed her own pajamas and a nice tiara on her blonde head.

"Avie? What are you doing here; did Jobe bring you?" I stepped out of the way, putting my back to the door so Avie could step into the house. I left the door opend, thinking Jobe was going to walk on in. When I saw no one, I got a little suspicious.

"No, I came by myself, aren't you proud? I took an Uber."

My mouth dropped to the floor.

"An Uber? How'd you learn to do that?"

"YouTube taught me how to use the phone my father gave me."

I took a seat on my living room couch, taking in what just happened.

"Your brother must be worried sick. Why would you do this, Avie? What were you thinking?" I asked.

"I was worried about you; Jobe told me you were sick and I asked him to bring me, but he wouldn't. Then I tried to talk him into it, but he was too busy to listen to me. Now, he'll be forced to come find me and we'll be able to hang out just like I wanted."

I grabbed Avie's arms, beckoning her to sit next to me on the cushions.

"I'm glad you wanted to check on me, but what you did was very dangerous. You could have gotten hurt, or lost. When your brother tells you no, it's not your choice to argue."

Avie thought for a moment before putting her head down in shame.

"I'm going to call your brother, okay?" I continued.

I barely flicked my phone from my fuzzy pants pocket before there were successive doorbell rings. It didn't take Jobe long to figure out she was missing, to my relief.

I swung the door open, meeting with a nervous wreck of a man, his pale red lips parted from the intense breathing, from what I assume was his overactive adrenaline.

"Looking for someone?" I smiled.

"She's here, isn't she?" He wiped his hand over his forehead and through his messy, brown hair.

"Yes, she is. It's very irresponsible to take your eyes off of her for that long."

"I know, it won't happen again. It's just that she's a lot to handle and I took my eyes away for a second."

He's a lot to handle, but that doesn't stop me from keeping my eyes on him. Of course, I would never say that out loud.

"It only takes a second." I tsked him.

"Let me see the little terror." I allowed him to pass through as he searched for his sister.

"Dad's going to be hearing about this." He began to scold her, giving her a lecture like any parent would, but stopped when Avie gave her award- winning pout. Everyone was a softie for a good pout, and Avie was the queen of them. I guess that's why she wears the tiara and we don't.

"Well, since you guys are already here, why don't I make us some popcorn and we can have a lazy day?" I offered.

"You don't need to that, really." Jobe commented.

"It's no big deal." I was already off to the kitchen to get food so he couldn't argue with me further.

By the time I got back, Avie had snuggled up on the recliner, and Jobe had made himself comfy on the couch.

I handed them each a bowl with popcorn before turning on my Firestick. With the others' agreement, I started to play the new Transformers. Once the intro began, I clicked off the lights and looked for somewhere to sir.

With no other option, besides the carpet, to sit, I had to take a seat next to Jobe on the couch. I kept to the far left, my hand leaning on the arm rest and my legs underneath my body to keep a safe distance. But as the movie rolled on, my legs started to fall aslepp, leaving me no other option but to uncurl them. Jobe didn't seem to notice my movement, his head rested on his head by the arm rest, and his eyes zoomed in on the curved screen. I took a peak at Avie, who was already falling asleep. I wish I was as comfrotable as her, but being so close to Jobe in a dim room was quite frightening.

I tried not to move again, keeping very steady on my position. After a while, I was fixed on the screen again, but only to be interrupted by Jobe. He tapped me on the shoulder, pointed in Avie's direction, and then scooted closer to me. I assume he moved so he could talk without waking Avie.

"Avie's already sleeping. It was nice that you let her stay over for a while. I've never seen her so attached to a woman since our mom. Not Lisa, not anyone, can get close to her."

"I'm glad she feels that way; she's such a sweet little girl, you know, when she's not running across town scaring us silly." I laughed.

"You're right." The flickers of light from the television casted multicolored shadows along the side of Jobe's pointed jaw, and lighting up our area of the couch. It was now visible just how close we were on the couch, his legs inches away from mine and his left hand in the crease of the couch near my leg. I wondered how I so often get myself into this position with him.

I had been sick all day long, but the only feelings I felt right this moment were the butterflies tickling my stomach.

He was starting into my eyes intently, like a kid playing connect the dots.

"What?" I asked.

The screen went dark again, the both of us unable to see each other in the dark.

I felt a chill creep to my neck when Jobe's fingers caressed my cheek, then effortlessly traced my jawline and took a stop at the pulse on my neck. By the pounding of my pulse, there was no way he didn't know how excited his touch had gotten me.

"I'm sorry; I thought you had an eyelash on your cheek, but I can't find it now." His face had gotten closer, examining my face in the dark, his hot breath stalling my own breathing. His fingers, like trickles of water, made it to the curve of my shoulder. I wanted badly to pull him by the collar and throw him on top of me, letting his chiseled abs smash against my body, but instead, I was stunned from all movement.

"There, I think I got it." I heard a raspy voice say.

"Good...you sure?" Please say no, please say no!


It was probably for the best he say yes because I couldn't control myself. I don't know if he was teasing me on purpose or not, but either way, it was driving me to a place of bittersweet bliss.

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