5. It's A No From Me

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Jolie's POV:

I was in a mid-morning slump, deciding not to gather any energy while I sat in bed even through breakfast time. I was exhausted from the previous day of dialysis, plus the weight of final exams had turned me into a human slug.

In the middle of my slump, I heard a double knock on my door, so I lowered the volume of my television to concentrate my weak span of attention on the person walking in.

"Hey, honey. Candy said she called you on your cell but you didn't answer, so she called on the home phone to see if you were okay. I told her you were fine, just a little sleepy, but she insists on taking you out today to get you out of bed." Mom said.

"I'll let her know I can't hang out today. I'm really trying to recuperate; I have all summer to hang with her." I was glad I had a great friend who wanted to hang out with me often, but sometimes Candy could be overprotective over me. Being sick as I was, I didn't want her to take pity on me.

"I understand. In fact, I told her you would say that and she understands too." Mom smiled.

"Thanks for letting me know." I covered myself in the sheets, hiding my animated pajama pants from view.

"I have to go to work on a case at work, but your brother will be here all day if you need. And if it's urgent, you have my work number and cell number." She informed me.

"Bye, Mom." I said my goodbyes, but right when the door clicked and I was settling down again, my phone rang.

It was a call from my English professor. The last time I was called by my teacher was when I had an overdue assignment.

"Hello?" I nervously asked.

"Hi, Mrs. Drake? I'm calling in regards to your final exam paper. Before you worry, there's nothing wrong. In fact, I was so pleased that I decided to send it to my friend at the publishing company for the local paper in town. Turns out, she was also delighted with your nonfiction essay and she would like to speak to you."

"Are you sure? That sounds amazing! When should I be there?" A little recognition would be unbelievable. If she wanted to publish my story, I couldn't ask for anything better.

"She's at work until five, so any time you'd between now and then." My professor assured me.

"Alright, thank you, bye." Before I had a chance to click the phone off, I was taking my pajamas off and looking for a decent outfit. There would be no time to do my hair, so finger combing my brown tresses was the only way to go. I take a peak in my vanity, long enough to know I needed a little foundation.

When I was finally done prepping, I ran down the hallway to the living room to find Emeric. I startled him, his bag of chips in his hand falling to the ground.

"Jesus, don't sneak up on people like that. What's the problem?" He mumbled through bites, his cheeks as if  they were filled with moth balls.

"The publishing company wants to speak to me about my essay for English. I think they might want to publish it. Can I get a ride?" I did have my own car, but due to the last episode of throwing up from dialysis, Mom insists I have someone with me while I go places.

"Yeah, let me get my keys."

I was so excited that the drive to town didn't seem to take long at all.

As I entered the building, I was greeted by a few older women, probably ones that have been working there since before I was born.

"Mrs. Drake? I can see you in my office?" A woman peeked her head out of the door, surpising me that she had noticed me. The group of women continued their typing as I walked away from them, my worn-out sneakers paddling along the floor.

I make my way into the woman's office and find myself a seat in front of her.

Her office was a vibrant red color, and matched her mix-matched style, along with her cluttered desk. I could tell she had a relaxed personality, and I felt comfortable being there.
"Hi, my name's Gigi; you must be Jolie. It's nice to meet you." Unlike the other women, her bright smile and effortless chatter kept her ageless.

"Nice to meet you too." I shyly replied.

Taking off her glasses, she held up, what I assume by the font, was my essay.

"I enjoyed reading your story. Of course, lile every story, the plot could have used some work but the grammar was second to none."

"Thank you."

"I'd like to have you interning for me this summer, if you're interested." Interning? Wow, that was way different than what I had in mind. But I could use a part time job this summer. With the medical bills piling up, money could really help.

"Of course I'm interested. When do I start?" I almost flew over the counter and hugged her. Finally having my work recognized was a significant start to my future career.

"We can start next week. It will be a strict schedule, so I'll have you working eight hours, Monday through Friday at the same time as me."

I slumped in my seat, realizing that my dreams were crushed. I could only work part time because of my strenuous schedule for treatment. I needed a flexible schedule, and there was no way I could keep up with this job right now. Maybe if I were to have had a transplant, this would have all gone perfectly.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to pass up the offer. I'd love the chance to work for you, but I don't believe the hours are going to work." I didn't dare tell her I was sick, because I didn't want any pity. I don't expect her to work around her schedule for little old me.

"Well that's terrible to here; I was looking forward to having you. How about this? If you ever change your mind, my door is always open. And if you ever have any ideas for an interesting article, I'd love to hear about it." She smiled.

"Thank you." I put on a fake facade that I wasn't hurting inside.

I quickly walked out of there and headed to my brother's vehicle.

I can't believe I wasted my time here when I could have been in bed all day. It is so discouraging. Why did I have to live a life conditioned by my disease?

"How was it?" Emeric asked.

"It was a bust. Can you do me a favor and not tell Mom about this?"

He gave me a look that he was all-too-well familiar with and sighed.

"You got it."

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