54. It's A Powerful Thing

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Jobe's POV:

My life was heading in a positive direction; Jolie Drake was going to be healthy again, I was on my way to starting school for my dream job, and I was healing from surgery and would be able to get in shape again. That way, when Jolie goes home, I can spend some time taking care of her and make sure she heals properly. She didn't outright say she wanted me to take care of her, but it was implied. She said she was going to need care and who better than me to care for her? If the shoes fits, I'm lacing that sucker up.

So, as one can tell, things are looking great. Well, except for the fact that my father barely mumbles a word to me during his visits. He still hasn't gotten over my life changing decision to get out of law, but I've done what I know is going to benefit me in the long run. I don't want to live a depressed life doing something I hate and dragging my family down with me. Huh, it's funny how I think about my family and the first person that comes to mind is Jolie. I picture Jolie cradling a newborn baby girl, with dark hair similar to hers as they stand by a cradle, sun penetrating against the thick glass of a bedroom window, both their eyes almost white in the bright lighting as they smile at me. My heart ached for that. I had never pictured a future like this one, and as scary as it was, it was the determining factor for me to press on and do what's best to make this happen. Truth was I didn't know where Jolie's head was at, if she felt so strongly about me as I did for her, but
I knew the direction we were heading in was a positive one.

"What are you smiling at?" Sue me, for daydreaming about this with Jolie in the same room as me.

I had to think fast on my feet, even if those feet were crumbling like toast.

"How can I not smile with you in front of me? You're healthy, and it shows it."

"I know; being sick all the time made me look pale as a ghost sometimes. People looked at me like they couldn't touch me, like I was breakable. Except for you; you were the first not to worry. Taking me out skiing, running around the city." She laughed.

"Those were fun times. Believe me, I was always worried about you, I won't lie, but you're not breakable at all. You're fearless, and feisty, and no matter how worried I was about your health, I was worried about never getting the chance to get to know you."

"You're sweet, Jobe. So now that you you know me..."

Her sentence trailed off, so I decided to finish for her.

"I'm not done getting to know you.." I flirtatiously smirked.

There was plenty more to explore about Jolie, and I wanted to start with those thick, honey lips of hers, down to her curvy hips, and all the way to her pretty toes. I was sweating down my chest just thinking about it. But of course I didn't say that out loud, and the only thing stopping me was my father standing out the door.

"And how much do you want to get to know more of me?" Was it wishful thinking or did she really understand my innuendo and return it with her own innuendo, or was this an innocent plea?

I looked into her big eyes staring heavily back at me on the bedside chair.

"Very much so." Don't tell me I'm going to need restraints on this bed to keep my from pouncing on her and taking her tongue for what it's worth.

But my father was out by the door, and I didn't need my father barging in on us, starting drama because the only thing I wanted to fight with at this second was that tongue of hers.

Interrpting us was Jolie's phone, as she excused herself to answer it.

After our warming visit, I was left with the unwelcoming guest waiting outside.

"You didn't have to wait outside. You could have come in." I lied.

"I wanted to speak with you privately. I got a call from the sheriff's station today. Your friend, Andrew."

"Andy." I corrected.

"Andy, is being held in Kay View's police station. He was caught with illegal selling of narcotics."

Drugs? Andy was selling drugs? I knew he was having a hard time, but I didn't know he was selling drugs. We hadn't been on speaking terms for so long that I didn't know this. Or maybe this has been going on for a long time. I had been so caught up, always worrying about myself that I possibly didn't notice he had a problem. We had always gotten into trouble, but never like this. No wonder why Andy always made fun of Jolie's brother. Sometimes, people have an unconscious habit of making fun of people who are exactly the same as them.

I was still very mad at Andy at what he said about Jolie, but I couldn't step away from a guy I've known for so long, who needs help. He didn't have parents, or good friends to rely on, and I had to help him.

"Dad, I know I have no right to ask this of you, and no reason to expect a yes, but could you please help him out? You've gotten me out of so much mess, so if you say no, it's no, but please help him out."

My dad might have been a hardass, but he was there when I needed him.

"I can talk about getting him into a rehab. I can't promise anything, but maybe the local police will be lenient if there's an agreement for therapy." Drugs are a powerful obsession, and I hope therapy is strong enough to help him.

"Dad, thank you. It means a lot."  Dad might not be able to express his feelings, but I didn't want to be like him. Even if we were having a hard time getting along, I wanted to tell my dad how I felt.

"Alright, son."

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