57. Home Alone

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Jolie's POV:

My family was finally going to take me home today. After getting clearance from my doctor, the news had come as not only a shock, but a disappointment. I wasn't supposed to be let out until the next day, but with my great responsiveness, I was going to be released early. Was it selfish of me to wish I was still sick so that Jobe and I could be together for just a bit longer? No, not selfish at all, a little psychotic, but not selfish.

"Jolie, did you get your underwear packed?" Mom said aloud.

"Yeah, Mom. Why don't you scream it to the whole world next time? Just go deeper down the hallway and let all the men know." I was being a little grumpy this morning, but my God, she didn't have to tell everyone about my underwear.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm just trying to get everything packed and done by the time it's ready to leave. You have quite a bit of dirty clothes to get packed. You've been here for a very long time." Awh, now I kinda feel bad. I couldn't help pack as much as I could if I had been completely healthy, so I shouldn't have gotten mad at my mother for trying to help me.

"Okay, you're right. Take your time; there's no rush in packing. Besides, Emeric still didn't bring the car around. Knowing him, he probably got lost and couldn't find the entrance."

"Haha, very funny, sis. I already parked in front of the entrance. I was getting some coffee downstairs before coming up here. But I spilled the coffee in the elevator so I had to refill my cup upstairs." There was my brother, coming in at the perfect time after I had just finished talking about him. You know what they say; you speak of the devil and the devil shall appear.

"Instead of wasting time getting coffee here, you should have grabbed me some pancakes and orange juice from the restaurant next door." I told him.

"But the hospital no doubt has the best coffee. Community coffee is hard to beat. I didn't want pancakes anyway. Once you get better, you can buy all of us some pancakes." How kind of him to think of me at this time of need. Yeah, right.

"We can stop and get you some real breakfast on the way home, okay?" At least Mom was being sweet. I cursed myself again for being so mean and cranky with her earlier.

"Thanks, Mom. How about some chicken strips for lunch and steak for supper?" I was pushing my luck with her, but hey, I was a growing girl who needed food after the rough time I've had in this place. Then again, my time here wasn't that awful. I had gotten a successful surgery, and all the whole spending my days and nights with Jobe Boston. So if I think about it, I actually had one of the best times of my life here. My idea of a hospital has certainly changed since I've been here.

"You better be lucky I have a good job to pay for all of these needs of yours. You're always hungry, but you know what, I'm just so happy you're healing, I'm willing to pay anything om the menu for you." Wow, she should have said that a long time ago. I just may very well order everything on the menu.

I got out of my hospital bed, for the very last time, and grabbed a few of my garments to throw them into a bag. I decided I could fold the clean clothes once I'm settled home, but for now, I didn't care how neat they looked in my suit case. I was trying to watch how much I energy I exerted, but I didn't want to sit there while my mother and Emeric did everything.

"I can't wait to leave and go back home." I admitted.

"Yes, but there will be many changes when you get there so don't freak out. Furniture has been moved for more space, some of it I had to throw away. The house has been fully sanitized, and your bedroom had brand new sheets. I had your friend Candy help me out with the new decor, so you should like the fabrics." There's nothing that feels better than sleeping in new sheets, so I wasn't going to argue on that one.

"Oh, that's so nice. I can't wait to see them."

"You'll be able to see then soon. Come on, let's grab your stuff and we can start walking to the car." Mom said.

"Wait. I want to tell Jobe goodbye before we head off." Mom stopped me from walking before she replied.

"You can't. Jobe and his father have already left to go home. He came to tell you bye this morning, but he didn't want to wake you up. I'm sorry, honey, but you can see him right when we get home."

Jobe left without saying goodbye? It was hard for me to believe that he would leave without saying goodbye because I was sleeping. Had my suspicions been correct in thinking once I would get back to Kay View, Jobe would forget all about me? Had my time at the hospital all been just a dream that was going to crash around me? Jobe and I were over, and the little dreamland we had been living in is over. But I was in love with him, and I hadn't expected to feel so lost without him in my life.

"Honey, what's the matter?" Mom snapped my back into reality, somewhere I really didn't want to be.

"Nothing is the matter, Mom. I just want to go home and go lay down." And maybe smother myself with my new pillow.

"Okay, well let's go home, hon. I'll stop by the restaurant to get you something to eat and we will be on our way."

"No, don't stop; I want to go straight home. I suddenly lost my appetite."

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