22. A Heavy Load

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Jobe's POV:

"What did she say to you?" I was pressuring Jolie to tell me why, just a few minutes earlier, she was nearly knocking me over to get out of my girlfriend's pilates workplace.

It was funny to see her so riled up and out of her usual character, but at the same time, I wanted to fix whatever made her feel this way.

"Nothing, it was nothing out of the ordinary for her. Lisa was ridiculing me because of my illness as if I had rabies or something. She tried to publicly embarrass me, but she failed because I won't let her get to me."

I continued to drive across the interstate, careful to keep my eyes on the road, but wanting to give full attention to Jolie.

"Don't take anything Lisa does personally. She has a hatred for any girl who isn't in her clique." I assured Jolie.

"I get that she's jealous, but to take it to such a level to make fun of being sick is pretty low. Most times, I try to avoid her at all costs but I had no idea she was the instructor. I'll have to make a mental note to tell my mom not to sign me up without knowing who's going to be there."

Jolie sounded like she was calming down some from the incident, but I was just storming up. I couldn't imagine being insulted because of a disease, and knowing that my own girlfriend could do that to Jolie's face was more than maddening. How could I be with someone who would say something so cruel? I wasn't going to forget about this.

Instead if even mentioning my embarrassing girlfriend, I kept the conversation lighthearted by talking about her mother.

"If your mother is obsessed with keeping you healthy, I can help you. I used to have a passion for fitness and I can show you some simple, yet effective exercises." I recommended

"No, it's not necessary." She argued.

"Okay, if you ever change your mind, I've posted a few videos online of my workouts, so you're free to watch."

"You made videos?" She laughed.

"Hey, don't judge me, I was a teenager! But that doesn't mean I didn't know what I was doing." I looked over to Jolie, her brown locks held into a loose pony tail, loose strands falling against her collarbone just itching for me to brush.

"I'm not judging." She threw hands up in forfeit, biting her lip to hide a smile.

"Hey, you're smiling." My hand pulled away from the steering wheel and took a chance to touch the crease of her mouth. I expected her to brush me off, but she stayed immobilized on the passenger side, her eyes landing on my hand.

She might not have asked me what the hell I was doing to her, but I knew if I didn't move my hand away, it would lead to the question of, why the hell did you just kiss me.

My hand flies back to the wheel as I focus my attention on getting Jolie home.

"I might be smiling, but it doesn't mean I'm not mad. She had the nerve to call me a prude but clearly she wasn't aware of her own self. No offense, but did you see the ugly outfit she was wearing? She must be wearing that as a form of birth control."

"Oh no, the black and white workout set? I think I know the one you're talking about. She wears it all the time, constantly says it's stylish, but I really hate it." It was wrong, totally wrong to be discussing my girlfriend behind her back, but if she wasn't so hateful, I wouldn't be talking about her.

"That's the one!" Jolie giggled.

"That outfit is pretty bad." I had to admit.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be forcing you to say those things about her. She's your girlfriend." Jolie sighed.

"We aren't on the best of terms, never really were actually." I had a feeling Jolie was going to probe me with more questioning, but luckily we made it to her house. I knew the question about why we weren't on good terms was going to come up, and I knew I couldn't answer that truthfully. The truth would have had to do with Jolie, but I'd never let her feel guilty because of it so it was best I didn't say anything at all.

Looking out the window, I adjusted my car in her driveway before cutting off the engine and walking over to her side to let her out, like the gentleman I was deperately trying to be.

The truck door squeaked open, and Jolie struggled to rotate herself to get out. I was wondering why she was taking a while to turn, and then realized what the problem was. Her ankles were both swollen, a reddish-blue tint to her normally white skin.

"Woah, what happened to your feet?" I held her back onto the seat, making sure she didn't try to walk on her feet and potentially fall.

Jolie examined her feet, and her mouth dropped.

"Swelling is one of the side effects from the many medications I take. I haven't had any swelling before, but I'm honestly not shocked."

"Here, let me help you." I wasn't going to let her walk on the gravel road with her feet as bad as they were.

"No, I got it." Her stubbornness was astounding at a time like this.

Instead of begging her to listen to me, I wrapped one hand around her back and one below her thighs and effortlessly picked her up in my arms bridal style. She was complaining, alright, but I wasn't paying any mind. My only goal was to get her into her house safely.

I kicked the passenger door closed with my boot and began to walk down the driveway.

"You don't have to do this." I couldn't see her face, her head pressed against my chest and covered by a thick bundle of hair.

"Trust me, I don't mind doing this, even if you are pretty heavy."



I reached the door of her home, very happy to find it easier unlocked so that I could ease her on the couch.

No one was here to stay with her, so I wasn't about to leave her alone.

"Why don't I elevate your leg and get you something to drink while you rest?" I was going to do it regardless; I was only asking to make her feel better.

"You've done so much already, and my feet will be perfectly okay. You can go now." She wasn't going to shoo me out that easily.

"Nope, you're stuck with me. I have to make sure you don't try to move around. Just be lucky I don't sit in the chair next to you and sing a bedtime song to make sure you take a nap. I do it all the time for Avie, so watch it." Oh no, did I really just admit that?

"Yes, sir. I really don't want to hear you sing." She laughed.

"Hey, I have a beautiful voice!"

That was it; she was going to hear it now!

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