Chapter 18

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  • Dedicated to @AllyVivona <3

Chapter 18

Alex POV

At the Airport!

‘Bess, you there?’ Claire said waving her hands around.

‘Humm… oh sorry just thinking…’ she said.

‘About Zayn probably! How are you two anyways? You two have been dating the longest!’ I asked.

I saw Zayn coming towards Bess, but he told us to be quiet!

‘Umm…. We’re amazing! He is so cute and I just love the child…’ ‘And who is this child you love?’ Zayn said. When she heard that she started to smile and turn around! I felt someone hug me from behind! LOUIS! I turned around and saw his big beautiful blue eyes!

‘Hello love!’ He said.

‘OMG I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!’ I screamed and hugged him.

‘Ok-can-t-br-eath-e!’ He said.

‘Oops, sorry!’ I smiled.

I giggled…

‘You know you’re amazing and I love you so come on…’ He said grabbing my hand.

‘Where are we going?’ I asked. ‘Somewhere special!’ He gushed.

We finally got into the car without the paparazzi seeing us! And trust me that was hard. I feeling a little tired but I stayed awake.

10 mins later

‘Were here Ally!’ He said. Oh ya Louis call’s me Ally sometimes! I love it!

I looked out and saw a big boat!

‘OMG I HAVE NEVER BEEN ON A BOAT AND I ALWAYS”S WANTED TO!’ I screamed and ran towards it. ‘Well I have it for the next 2 days so you’re gonna get the best boat experience ever!’ He said running towards me.

We got on the boat and we looked around. It was so big, and I loved it.

‘Who’s gonna drive it?’ I asked.

‘I am! I learned how just for you!’ He said smiling.

‘Aww… you’re so sweet Boo!’ I laughed.

We looked around some more and found a room with a TV and we decided to put on a movie! We put on The Notebook! I have never seen it before so I always wanted to.

Louis snuggled up beside me and was playing with my hair. I looked up at him…

‘I might cry! Is that ok?’ I asked.

‘Don’t worry babe if you do I will be here to wipe away the tears! I am your superman and I will always be here!’ He said looking into my eyes. I looked up at him and just pushed my lips onto his. It was perfect. Are lips were sync and it was a very passionate kiss. We finally pulled away after about 5 minutes to catch are breathe.

We started to watch the movie… and I was right I did cry but of laughter…

‘Why are we laughing?’ He laughed.

‘I don’t know!’ I laughed some more. He just looked at me and laughed with me.

We were both dying of laugher… I seriously don’t know why… but we were.

(Omg my friend Ally actually does laugh at Romantic movies! OMG ya that’s why I luv her <3)

We finally had to turn the movie off or else we would have died of laughter literally.

I looked at my phone and there was no reception.

(Oh and if you’re wondering the boat is right now going on automatic)

We just sat there laughing really hard until we finally stopped… I looked into his eyes. We started to kiss… and it was getting really passionate. More like a ‘I want you now’ kinda way. So ya were just making out on this big boat when the boat came to a sudden stop.

‘What the hell?’ I asked getting worried.

Louis ran to the captain’s room. He came running back.

‘Umm… we have a little problem!’ He said worryingly.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘WERE OUT OF GAS!’ He yelled.

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now