Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Claire POV

Ok let me tell you about myself my name is Claire, I have long wavy brown hair, I have brown eyes, my favourite singer is LADY GAGA!!! I have a brother that lives back in Toronto named John. I swear I love him he is the best. I live in the UK and I moved here from Toronto when I was only 13 years old, just after grade 8. I moved in the summer time here. My parents and I moved here for my dad's job. I'm only 17 years old and my best friends names are Bess, Alex, and Tam. Now here are some things I just love: I love Lady Gaga, The Wanted, The Beatles, My besties, my favourite movie is HARRY POTTER, and OMG I JUST LOVE FOOD. OK got that now here is my story...


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing My universe will never be the same, I'm glad you came, I'm glad you came. Oh Ya my ring tone is the boss. I pick it up.

"Hello" I said yawning.

"Hey sleeeeppy head!!!" Alex yelled out laughing at the same time.

"Hey Alex, what up?" I yawned. Wow I am tired.

"Did you forget I was picking you up today to go to the mall with Bess, and Tam?" Alex said.

"Shit ok, give me 10 mins. I will be out! Bye!" I said realizing what day it was.

"Ok bye." Alex said.

I hanged up. OMG how could I forget this we have been planning to have a girl's day for like 2 weeks. WOW I am forgetful. I put on some make up. I don't wear a lot but I wear some. I put on some shorts-shorts and my new t-shirt that said LOVE on it. I ran downstairs to see my mom. "Where are you going young lady?" My Mom yelled. I love her but she is way too protective.

"I'm going out to the mall with Bess, Alex, and Tam!" I replied.

"Ok Have Fun Love you!" She yelled once again. I Jumped into Alex's car and we drove down to the mall.


Once we got to the mall we went to the food court to meet up with Bess, and Tam. Tam has long blonde hair, she has brown eyes. She was wearing a sweater, with short- shorts. I have known Tam since grade 9 and we met in Religion. The day we started talking we were taking picture with each other and our teacher didn't even notice. It seems like just yesterday we started to talk. Bess has short black hair, with brown eyes. She was wearing a striped shirt, with red shorts. I have known her since I was in grade 9 and we met in homeroom. The day we started to talk was like two months after school started. The day we talked we were singing a song in class about harry potter. It was from Harry Potter Puppet Pals. It was so funny. Alex has long brown hair, with brown eyes. She was wearing a crop top that had a smiley on it, with some white shorts. I met Alex when I was 13. She lived next to me. The first day we talked was in July she was riding her bike and I was outside talking to my brother. She came over to say hi and she ended up staying for dinner. We have been close ever since.

So once we sat down in the food court we did what we usually did and see if we knew anyone in the mall. "Claire is in that Niall?" Bess whispered.

"UHHHHHH Ya, unfortunately it is!" I said annoyed. I zoned out. I have hated that guy ever since grade 9, when he made fun of me on the first day of school. He was the biggest flirt in the history of flirts. Well except for Jason. He was way bigger. OK story time: When I was in grade 8 I met Jason and he was flirt. He would lead me on so one day thinking he liked me I told him I have a crush on him but he told me he didn't like me at all. I was very crushed by this and he also decided to keep leading me on. He would FAKE date me as a joke knowing I really liked him. He was a nightmare and it took me forever to get over the ass. Well end of story. So back to Niall well he hated me ever since I was in grade 9 and I can tell you this the feeling is mutual.

Niall was tall with blonde hair, and blue eyes. He apparently from what I heard loves food. He was hot but I could never like him in anyway.

I zoned in. "Claire, you there?" Tam yelled will waving her hand.

"Huh, what did you say?" I asked.

"I said Niall is coming over." Tam said laughing. Niall walked over and started to come and give me a hug. He likes annoying me by telling me he loves me and shit like that. I hate it because he knows I don't like him in anyway. Niall came and gave me a hug which I did not return.

"Hi, Claire." He said laughing under his breath.

"What do you want Niall?" I said annoyed.

"I want to tell you I luv ya." He Laughed.

"OMG I don't like you so leave!" I yelled and ya people started to stare. But I don't care he needed to be told.

"Why don't you like me?" He asked. I was annoyed but I would never tell him why because he would not understand. I looked up at him and then I looked at Ally, Bess, and Tam. They were the only people who knew why I hated him.

"OMG JUST LEAVE!" I yelled.

"Not if you don't give me a hug!" He stated.

"Ok." He looked at me surprised. I walked away without giving him a hug. I just left and my friends followed.

Please Be Mine!- Niall Horan *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now