Boarding School for the Rejected -9-

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This chapter is pretty dramatic just to let you.

Recap: "Umm pardon me, but I was about to help her, and I am perfectly capable," Zeke said a poisonous edge coming from his words, something I hadn't seen come from him. "Deal with it." Damien said turning around dragging me behind him. I just turned waving to Zeke, before I was pulled away to my next class.


It was around four in the afternoon now, all of our classes were over and we were basically free to do what we wished for the rest of the day. I was outside in the school's lovely courtyard sitting under a tree with my sketchpad drawing some of the trees out in front of me. They were in bloom now, and looked absolutely gorgeous, and yet I couldn't seem to focus on them. Only thing I was able to think about was Damien's reaction from when he saw me and Zeke together. It just didn't make sense.

He didn't talk to me the whole day other than to say "Come on" to get me to follow him to our classes and he didn't sound that happy when he said it either. I couldn't understand why he was so angry. Was it because I had forgotten to wait for him? It didn't make sense at all. I tried to ask him several times, but every time I showed him a piece of paper for him to read he just ignored it. It actually, sort of, kind of... Well hurt that he was ignoring me. It might have been because he was the closest person to me here so far just because we were roommates... And all of that other stuff that happened in our room, but still. Ugh this is frustrating.

"Hello," a deep unique sounding accent flowing through my ears said. I looked up to see an extremely tall- or at least to my five foot three height- thin body hovering over me. Zeke. I nodded towards Zeke with a smile placed on my soft features. "May I sit down?" Zeke asked. I nodded my head once scooting over to the side. He sat down his side brushing up against mine as he did so, and I wasn't one to blush, but with the heat that I felt reach my face I think I just did.

I felt his soft hot breath reach my neck as he sat next to me his face towards me as he looked down at my barely finished drawing. "Your drawing is absolutely stunning," he said in a voice that made shivers run up my spine. It was sharp, but soft at the same time, and just... Words couldn't begin to describe how sexy he sounded. Wow, never thought I'd hear myself describing a guy like this. I nodded my thanks to him as I bit my lip in nervousness.

"So why are you here at this school?" He asked me, but his voice sounded even softer, I could melt in the way he talked. Wow, I am getting way to sappy, but this kids just... Wow. I let out a breath that had been building up in my chest as he spoke. I shrugged my shoulder and turned to a page in the back of my sketchbook where previous writing laid. 'I don't know. Apparently someone doesn't want me to know and defaced my letter with magic. ):'

Zeke shook his head. "That's pathetic of them, but I'm so sorry for you that you don't even know." He said, and I could really hear the true sympathy that echoed from his voice. Zeke suddenly turned his attention from me as he looked up at the sky appearing to be in deep thought. I turned my head to the side looking at him curiously wondering what he was thinking about.

I watched as Zeke slowly turned back to me a serious look upon his face, "There is a good chance I could tell you what you are, but... Do you trust me?" He asked me not finishing his original sentence. I continued to stare at him curiously before nodding my head. "Okay, well then there is more to me when it comes to being a Fang Viewer then just being able to see things about you if I look at you, or more when you give in to my gaze", he said winking one his beautiful purple eyes," I can find out everything about you if I bite, note the word 'Fang'. So... Would you let me do it?" I stared at him bewildered for a moment as I tried to comprehend what he was telling me.

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