Chapter 4: The Big Bang

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"Bum-bum-bum!! A body has been discovered! There will be a short time for investigation, and then we will hold a Household Trial!" Herobrine's voice boomed throughout he mansion.

"He's d-dead!" Tyler said quietly.

"Nononononono..." Seto muttered.

"I-I'll go get the others," Ty offered, and rushed out of the room.

"What are we g-gonna do?" Tyler asked, unable to take his eyes off of Jordan's face; his mouth was gaping open slightly and his eyes stared blankly at the ceiling.

"...We...we have to figure out who did it, right?" Seto said.

"How?" Tyler asked.

"We can...look for clues," Seto said slowly, walking towards Jordan's body.

Tyler followed, trying not to gag at the harsh smell of blood.

"Well...we can inspect the wounds to try and infer how he was killed," Seto explained. He shakily lifted Jordan's head and turned it to the side, revealing a large head wound. Tyler instantly looked away as he saw much more blood than he needed to see.

"There's...a big wound on the side of his head," Seto explained quietly. "He was hit hard with something."

"What does it look like he was hit with?" Tyler asked, slowly turning to look at Jordan once again, no matter how hard he was quivering.

" looks like a big, blunt object. Nothing like a sword or knife," Seto reported quietly, resting Jordan's head back on the ground.

"We're here--OH MY GOD!" Ian screeched, running out as quickly as he had ran in.

"S-someone has killed already?!" Brice asked fearfully.

"Not just someone. One of us," Ryan pointed out ominously.

"I don't f-feel good," Bash said weakly, looking away.

"W-we need to stay calm, and look for c-clues. We have to find out who did it, or we all d-die," Quentin pointed out fearfully.

Everyone nodded grimly, and started searching the room for clues, some of the more strong-hearted people helping Seto inspect the body. while some of the more sensitive people inspecting the room.

"Look," Ant said, pointing to Jordan's right hand. "His hand is all cut up, like he hit it on something."

"And the glass from the window is on this side of the wall, which means it was broken from the outside," Mitch acknowledged.

"There's stab wounds in his chest, too. He obviously wasn't killed with just one weapon," Matt pointed out.

"The blood has stopped flowing, but it's still wet, so he wasn't killed too long ago," Seto realized.

"Oh, and there's small cuts on his body from the glass, so he died after the glass was broken," Ryan said.

"C-can I please leave for a minute?" Bodil asked, looking faint.

"Me too..." Jerome said, shivering.

"It's fine. Go," Brice told them, and the two rushed out of the room.

"So, what do you think happened?" Tyler asked.

"Someone broke the window from the outside, definitely while Jordan was in here," Ant explained.

"Maybe they broke it with the same object that hit Jordan on the side of the head?" Quentin suggested.

"Probably. I bet he was standing here," Mitch explained, standing near the broken window, facing the bookshelf on the left wall, "When the killer snuck up on him and broke the window while hitting him in the head at the same time."

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