Chapter 7: Apocalypse

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"Anyone know where you could find a, uh, stake?" Brice asked.
"I think the culprit crafted the stake themselves," Quentin stated. "They must have been keen on destroying the evidence."
"How did they make it, then?" Seto asked.
"Well...there's a wooden chair in everyone's room, right? The stake could have been made from one of the legs," Quentin pointed out.
"Ah...Good point," Ryan admitted. "So then how did they make it a full-fledged stake that could go through Bodil's entire torso?"
"Hm...I think I know," Jerome claimed. "When we explored Bodil's room, there was a clean kitchen knife under the bed. We thought it had been Bodil's for self-defense, although it didn't do him that well, but it could have been what the culprit used to sharpen the chair leg into a stake. They must have accidentally dropped it in Bodil's room."
Tyler nodded. "That fits...but still, what's up with Bodil's message? It obviously reads DAM, not MAD, because of the backwards letter D."
"Yeah, and what's the point of the message anyway?" Matt asked. "I mean, from the trail of blood it was obvious that Bodil was able to drag himself down the hallway from his room, where judging by the scene, he was most likely attacked. I don't even think the culprit intended for him to live, and thought Bodil was dead when he left to go burn the stake."
"I...I think I know why," Brice said quietly. "You see...I think after the murderer left Bodil's room after attacking him, thinking he had killed Bodil, Bodil started to drag himself out of his room, with one final goal set on his mind; to warn us."
"Despite the stab wounds in his body, he tried to stay alive for as long as he could, while the murderer was away and he was capable of moving, even if it was just dragging himself down the hallway. That definitely explains the trail of blood down the hallway. He was so close to the Dining Hall when he must have realized he wouldn't be making it, so that's when he decided to write out the name of the culprit on his arm instead-however, it got smudged and his arm turned over, sticking the message to the floor, leaving his intentional message of 'ADAM' with 'MAD.'"
Everyone was silent as they tried to process this. Bodil had always been somewhat annoying and odd, but he was always bright and cheery. His last moments, the only thing he had in mind was to help his friends. He helped his friends until the very end.
"...Damn," Mitch muttered quietly, looking down.
"But wait," Ryan said, breaking the silence. "You said that Bodil wrote the word ADAM. However, I thought we had confirmed with proof that Adam wasn't the culprit?"
Brice nodded. "No, Adam is definitely not the culprit. But why Bodil wrote his name down, I think I know...I think the murderer was somehow disguised as Adam in attempt to frame him!"
"Disguised as Adam? How?!" Ant asked.
Seto joined in eagerly. "Well, all they needed to do was look as accurately as Adam as possible. They most likely did this in case there were witnesses, which there were, or Bodil was somehow able to reveal the culprit himself, which he kind of was. The culprit's been very cautious, haven't they?"
"And then it leaves us down to three suspects; Jason, Matt and Ant," Brice finished.
"What?! But Matt and I confirmed-" Jason was cut off by Tyler. "Yeah, you might have seen each other leave their rooms but did you see them enter it? They could have just gone to their room seconds before, returning from their murder, and you wouldn't have known. This goes for Ant, too."
Mitch chuckled. "Yeah, that's pretty clever...and they didn't even know for sure if there would be witnesses or clues of some sort, but they still went out of their way to look like Adam, in case there was. And, there was!"
"So...I have a question for you, Matt," Quentin asked.
"Do there some sort of...feature you have to change your appearance in any way?"
Matt looked taken aback, then began to look angered and annoyed. "What do you mean, 'features?!' Just because I'm a robot doesn't mean I don't come with a built-in calculator or anything, if that's what you've been thinking! I'm just a normal guy, who happens to also be a robot! I won't stand for this discrimination, fish!"
Quentin looked ready to jump over his desk to get over to Matt on the other side of the circle. "Fish?! I happen to be an amphibian! You'd better watch your language there, you-"
"Oh, shut up you two," Mitch scolded. "I'm guessing that's a no for your question, Quentin. Matt obviously didn't pull off the Adam disguise. Then there's Jason, but even if he doesn't have his helmet anymore, he's still got that blue spacesuit going for him-which wouldn't really help him pull of an 'Adam' appearance."
Seto nodded. "So then...that leaves us with one suspect left...someone who looks somewhat like Adam, and could even resemble him closer if he could only be you, Ant!"
Ant's eyes widened in a state if panic for a second as everyone stared at him, awaiting some sort of rebuttal. But instead, his face and shoulders relaxed, and he gave a small chuckle. "That's pretty clever of you," he noted. "But think about it, yes, Adam and I both wear similar clothes and amulets, for whatever reason-"
"I know, right? So I wasn't the only one who noticed!" Adam exclaimed.
"-but I'm not an exact replica of Adam himself," Ant continued. "You see, Adam seems to always wear shades. I don't own shades. Was the person you saw wearing shades, Bash?"
Bash nodded. "Definitely."
Ant gave a clever half-smile. "Also, I have a goatee. Adam doesn't, last time I checked. So you see, that's some good thinking, but it wasn't me."
Everyone seemed to look like they were in agreement with Ant's points, until Brice spoke up. "That's not the whole story, isn't it?"
Ant turned to Brice. "Hm? That wasn't a story. Those were facts."
Brice sighed. "You know what I mean, Ant! The thing is, Bash mentioned an important detail that you left out. Bash saw the culprit wearing that rag over heir mouth!"
Ant raised an eyebrow. "So?"
"So, you could have worn it to cover your goatee in order to resemble Adam!" Brice finished.
"Hey, he's got a point!" Jerome exclaimed.
"We're getting onto something here!" Ryan agreed.
Ant folded his arms, looking annoyed. "Then what about the sunglasses?" He asked impatiently.
"You could have easily just taken someone else's. Tons of people here wear sunglasses!" Seto pointed out.
"Now that you mention it..." Adam spoke up, "my Thursday-pair of shades were missing earlier..."
Jason frowned. "Your...Thursday-shades?"
Adam grinned. "Yup! I have seven pairs of shades, one for each of the week. They're all identical, but one's for each day of the week! I noticed my Thursday one was missing earlier, Ant could have taken those!"
"You realize that today is Thursday, right?" Jerome asked hesitantly.
Adam froze. "It is?! How long have I been off-schedule...?"
Ant glared around at everybody. "I'm still not his identical TWIN, you know! My hair is darker and straighter than his, my skin a bit lighter than his!"
"Well, I'm pretty sure the panicked Bash or the dying Bodil wouldn't have really considered that much detail," Quentin thought out loud. "And you could easily mess your hair up a bit to make it look like Adam's."
Ant seemed very determined. "If I had stabbed Bodil, wouldn't there be blood all over me?!"
Ty thought for a moment. "There was a bloody bedsheet in Bodil's room. What if you just protected yourself with that?"
Ant was silent.
"There you have it," Seto said, turning to Ant once more. "That's all I think we needed."
"Alright, so then let's make a Climax Inference!" Tyler exclaimed, and began.
"Our culprit was probably planning to murder disguised as Adam for sometime beforehand. And when they saw four people leave separately on their own while everyone else was in one location, they knew they had the perfect chance!"
"So, the culprit left the Dining Hall, using the excuse of going to bed, and retrieved the stake, cloth and glasses from their room they had probably kept there beforehand for when the time came. I don't think the culprit was directly targeting Bodil; perhaps, he was the only one out of the three people in their rooms with the door unlocked."
"The culprit went into Bodil's room, and grabbed the sheet off of the bed to protect themselves from any blood splatters when they stabbed Bodil with the stake before he could react. The culprit messily threw the bloody sheet back on the bed, and left the room, with Bodil bleeding out against a corner of the wall. The culprit had most likely though Bodil was dead...but he wasn't. Bodil had enough strength to drag himself out into the hallway, then try to write the culprit's name in his own blood on his arm before it was too late. However, Bodil had thought his murderer had been Adam, so that's what e tried to write on his arm. He died thinking Adam had killed him."
"While that happened, the culprit hurriedly went down the opposite way, accidentally dropping their cloth without realizing. They went past the enchanting room, unaware of the fact that a very important witness was there. In the Living Room on the second floor, they threw their stake in the fireplace, hid the glasses somewhere, and rushed back to their bedroom, prepared to rush out in fake shock when everyone else found Bodil's body, even if it wasn't in the place they expected."
"That you, Ant!" Tyler finished.
Ant was silent as all eyes were fixed on him.
"Cat got your tongue?" Quentin asked.
Ant still said nothing as he examined everyone's faces in the room. Then, he gave a small smile, tilting his head slightly. "Hm. I admit it, then," he said in a voice too cheerful for his situation.
"You...admit you killed Bodil?" Bash exclaimed. Ant nodded with a warm smile. "Yes. I killed our friend Bodil," Ant replied.
Ant chuckled. "Isn't it obvious? I want to leave the mansion."
"Y-you're too calm about this!" Jerome exclaimed, startled.
"I'm not calm. I'm accepting my fate," Ant explained lightly. "I did my best. I failed. It's over now, and I will be executed for you all to continue this game. As long as I believe that I tried my best, then I won, even if I'll suffer some ironic death in two minutes."
Everyone was silent.
"But...everything will be okay...yeah, I'll be fine..." Ant muttered, a weird look in his eyes. Tyler suddenly wondered if Ant had gone...partially insane?
Ant gave a small laugh "I'm sorry I killed Bodil. He just happened to be unlucky. This isn't the best way to think it, but I just brought you all two steps closer to winning. Hopefully, Bodil will forgive me when I see him soon, and together we can happily welcome whoever comes next to the other side with us, Ian, and Jordan! So, good luck to everyone. I'll see you all on the other side. Now, I believe it's time for you all to vote for me to die."
Everyone, with a sick and terrible feeling inside, cast their votes.
The wall opened up again, and the giant slot machine appeared again. All three slots spun then came to a stop on a picture of Ant. Confetti blasted out, and the word GUILTY flashed brightly.
"Hehe, yep! I have a great execution for the Super Minecraft Level PVP!" Herobrine declared.
The button with the small screen on the metal box it was connected to rose up from the ground in front of Herobrine. He pulled out a mallet, and eagerly pushed the button.
A red, black and white pixellated scene appeared on the screen. Again, there was a Herobrine sprite, but this time accompanied by an Ant sprite. "GAME OVER," the screen read as the Herobrine sprite dragged the Ant sprite away. "Ant has been found guilty. His punishment will now begin."
Ant was standing alone in the wide gray room, where Ian's execution had been. He was holding a wooden sword in one hand, and he looked determined and afraid.
Everyone else was watching, terrified, from behind the large metal gates on the far side of the room.
A faint rumbling could be heard as four doors opened up from the walls, and zombies began to pour out.
Ant gave a half-smile, and leaped into action.
Powerful and agile, he sliced groups of zombies at a time, treating his wood sword like the most powerful weapon there was.
Even though the Super Minecraft Level PVP was hacking his way through the zombies at an amazing pace, the mobs just kept on coming through the doors.
Zombie after zombie, Ant slashed so fast he was almost a blur. Despite his Super Minecraft-Level feats, the zombies never stopped coming.
Ant whipped around, full-speed while holding his sword out to slice a hoard of zombies in front of him, but the moment the sword touched a zombie it snapped in half, the sound ringing through the entire room.
Time seemed to slow down as the top half of the broken sword flew off the zombie and landed somewhere on the floor with a klunk.
Ant stared at the other half of his broken sword in shock for a second, then tossed it to the side, sadly closing his eyes and standing straight as he disappeared under a crowd of zombies.

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