Chapter 22

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 The sun had returned and a great feast was to be held. Evelyn decided on a magnificent purple gown with golden embroideries and a pair of earrings with golden suns as pendants and collected her hair in a gold-woven hairnet with little purple beads.

 “My lady,” a serving girl who appeared in the doorway said. “His Grace, the King asks for an audience.”

 “Send him in.”

 She stood up and faced the doorway where the serving girl had been, awaiting her father’s arrival. When he appeared, she saw that he was still pale from his sickness and his beard had grown out longer than his usual length.

 “Father,” she said with a smile.

 He walked to her and kissed the top of her head. “You look beautiful.”

 Beaming, she turned to the mirror and fixed the hairs that had gone unruly with his kiss. “Will you be joining the celebrations?”

 “Not tonight,” he said. “Your mother keeps me in a short leash. We will be dining alone, in our solar. With tasters for her food.”

 Standing upright again, she turned to him and frowned. “Mother will not be joining the celebrations tonight?” That was strange - tonight would be a grand festivity, a celebration that the world had returned to balance. Surely, the Queen should be present.

 “Which is why I am here,” he said. “You must take the place of high honour with Raynor. You must remember…”

 “Wait,” she interrupted, furrowing. “Raynor? What about Christian?”

 He drew in a deep breath. “So, you haven’t been told.”

 “Told what?”

 “Your brother is missing,” he said, clasping his hands behind his back nervously. “He has been missing since early this morning.”

 Her breath caught. “This morning? When the sun…” She clenched her eyes shut, trying not to think of the possibilities.

 “Your brother carries a sword,” her father said. “It would be stupid to attack him, even in the chaos of this day. He probably… went to get a drink or a…”

 She shook her head. “No, he isn’t like that.”

 “He’s a man,” Raphael reminded her.

 She pressed her lips together, feeling the blood leave them. “I need to prepare for dinner,” she said. “Please excuse me.”

 Luckily, he had the wit not to stay when she had asked him to leave. She collapsed onto her bed and lay back, trying to breathe in despite of the tight lacings of her gown. Don’t be silly, she told herself. He’s the prince of the Crown, King-to-be. No one would dare touch a hair on his head. And yet, she still had a nagging feeling in the depths of her chest. It was as though she had known even before her father stepped into her chambers that something had happened, and only now had she managed to put her fears into words.

 She sat to the left of Raynor at the dinner, with Tiraq beside her. It felt strange to be there, without her parents and without Christian. The only time she had eaten at a court without either of them present had been at her husband’s small court, which had barely been a court. Had it not been for Evelyn’s presence, it certainly would not have been.

 But tonight, it was her father’s court, the royal King’s court in the capital, and neither the King, Queen nor the oldest prince were present.

 Halfway through the dinner, Raynor stood from his seat and left the Hall, leaving the court muttering between themselves in confusion. Evelyn could now see Mary, sitting lost and frightened in the midst of the confusion.

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