Chapter Thirteen

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Smut Warning, I'll tell you where it starts and stops. Usual cursing warning. Usual trigger warning. Blah blah blah. The timeline might be a bit off, but the events(with the exception of a few) will always be the same.



Blood. Thats all I could see, it was in my eyes, my hair, covering my legs. It was on the floor, on the wall, probably on the ceiling too. I was to spend five days in here. Five days for 'disrespecting my father.' There were no cameras here, but Gin told me if he didn't hurt me enough Aizen would kill me anyway. He said Aizen would be down here soon to look at my condition. The room was dark, There was one window at the very top of the wall, sand cascading the barrier, implying I was nearly entirely underground. The rooms brick walls were stained a maroon color, probably from blood. I began to wonder how many others had been brought down here without my knowledge. Aizen, how many people had you killed this way? The bars were so close together I had no way of escaping. Kaname, was this still your idea of justice? Is justice really this corrupt? In my eyes, I didn't disrespect my father. My father is back in the Soul Society. Oh, Shunsui Kyoraku, how I've failed you as a daughter. The day I met Gin you had to give me up, but now I understand why. I understand why Head Captain made you leave me with nothing but a name. Athena Katrina Schiffer. My mothers last name to. I remember you telling me about the wonderful things she'd done in the Soul Society. How everyone, even you, admired her. Admired by all, loved by all. The exact opposite of her daughter, me. All I wonder is, did you want to keep me by your side?

I woke up in a strange place, sand surrounding me and the sun was shining bright right into my eyes. "F-Father?" I called. My voice was dry and raspy. I felt like I could barely breathe. I closed my eyes, about to cry. I was young, I needed someone. "Drink." I heard. My eyes shot open to a boy who looked to be my age. "Drink. You're thirsty aren't you?" He asked. I nodded. "You also look to be starved. You have it don't you? The power?" He asked. "Y-You have it too?" I choked out. "Yes. My name is Gin, Gin Ichimaru. Nice to meet ya." He helped me sit up and gave me the cup, pulling food out from his bag and handing it to me. Now that I got a look at him, he had silver hair, but it was unusually tinted a purple color. He kept his eyes narrowed into slits, not showing off his eye color and keeping them a mystery. "I'm Athena." I said taking a sip of the drink and continuing. "Athena Katrina Schiffer. Did you see where my Father went?" I asked. "The tall man with the straw hat in a shihakshou and a flower kimono?" He questioned. I only nodded. I wasn't very talkative. "He was crying when he brought you. He sat you down in the sand and left you this." He handed me a letter. "Don't worry, I didn't read it. The wind almost blew it away so I kept it for you until you woke up." He smiled at me. "Thank you." I said taking the letter. I almost cried when I read it.

My dear Athena, I've been ordered to leave you. My Captain duties are at the maximum and I can no longer spare the time to take care of you. Orders from Old man Yama. I'm sorry, darling. I hope you can forgive me. If you ever decide to become a Soul Reaper, I'll be waiting for you. 

                                 -Shunsui Kyoraku, Captain of Squad Eight.

Father... I began to cry. How could the Head Captain do this? I felt two arms wrap around me. It was the boy, Gin, holding me so I could cry onto his shoulder. 

The day I met Gin was the day I was tied to this string of fate. I wonder if you ever regret leaving me there that day? I wonder if Head Captain regrets the order? If he realizes that if he hadn't, I wouldn't have fallen for Gin so hard and I wouldn't have left? That's all I could do in this cell; think. I could wonder and wonder for days, but I would never get an answer for my questions. Even if I did ask them directly, I doubt they'd answer. Captain Kyoraku is probably too disappointed in me to even look at me. My true father... I miss you. I miss you most of all. When I was crying, You'd hold me. You'd tell me it'd be okay and I would believe you because it always had been. You'd been the father I never had. As crazy as you were, you helped me. I graduated the Soul Reaper academy for two reasons, and one of them was to reunite with you.

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