Chapter Eight

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WARNING: I am saying right now this chapter is really triggering and you should read with caution if at all. This chapter is very important, but don't get yourself triggered over it. I'm not going to warn you when the sensitive stuff is, it's everywhere in this chapter. Bad. That's all. -Kayla


"Thank you." I gratefully sighed. I let him go and he watched me bitterly as I sat down. I made a motion for him to sit down and once again he took caution but complied. "When I left, I thought all was well. I didn't realize what I had done. Toshiro, I thought Gin loved me. You have to understand, I had known Gin since I was a child. My first memory was of Gin. He... he gave me a purpose. He helped me discover who I was. When we met Rangiku, they clicked. I was jealous. I made a vow to stay close to Gin... I could feel us drifting. I became a Soul Reaper with him. I-I became weak when I thought he loved me. I spent all that time dreaming of him to be mine, and I finally thought that maybe I had him. Rangiku had stolen Shuuhei from me, I couldn't let her take Gin too. I wouldn't. He offered to let me come with him, I couldn't refuse. When I got to Hueco Mundo, they told me I was important. They made me feel welcome. I didn't know what was about to happen. I miss the Soul Society. I miss old man Yamamoto's dumb orders. I miss those stupid Captain Meetings that woke me up way too early. I miss Squad 10. I miss having someone I can count on." I was crying. I could feel the tears streaming down my face. "I miss you." With that statement, Toshiro's body untensed and his expression softened a bit. "I want to say that you're getting what you deserve, but from what it sounds like they've done... I can't. This doesn't seem fair to you, but what you've done to me isn't fair either, Capta- Katrina. You were the first girl I had loved, the last one I'll ever try to love either." He scoffed, but he continued, "If you want my forgiveness, you're going to have to try harder. Don't worry, I won't tell the others you're really Katrina unless you pose a threat. I am curious, however. What did they do to you?" His brows furrowed as my face fell. I was hoping to avoid talking about this. "Fine."

Toshiro's face demanded an explaination. "Well, I guess I should start from the beginning huh?...

When I had come to Sokyoku hill, there stood the three. Toshiro had taken me to Central 46, I had seen they were all murdered and pulled Toshiro out of there before anyone had gotten to him. I could sense Aizen's spiritual pressure and I knew something was off. "Ah, Katrina. There you are. I was beginning to wonder when you'd show up. Have you come for Gin? He won't go with you, it's useless. However, you're free to join us." Aizen's voice was smooth like silk. His gaze was hard not to get lost in. Gin, the man who I was ever so deeply in love with, held out his hand for me. "Come on beautiful, join us." He taunted. His voice was smoother than silk. It was my favorite sound. Hearing him chuckle, speak, or even mumble was bliss. When I looked at Toshiro, his eyes were pleading me not to go... but I was in love. I needed Gin, or at least I thought I did. "I'm sorry, Shiro. You know I have to."  I mumbled. The moment I said it I regretted it. Sorrow overtook his face, I could feel how betrayed he felt. I could feel the sorrow radiating off his body. I took Gin's hand as we disappeared into the Negation. I looked at Toshiro one last time as Gin wrapped his arm around me, he was crying. Toshiro Hitsugaya, one of the- no- the strongest Lieutenant here, is crying over me.

I began to wonder, am I really of value here? Will I help at all? Will I be a burden to Gin? But with one simple question, my worst fears would come true. "Where do I come in?" I asked Aizen. I should've kept my mouth shut. "You, with your consent, will be our first transformation from a Soul Reaper into a Hollow. You will be reborn as a Vasto Lordes, and you will be the strongest out of all of the rest. You will be the all powerful one." Aizen said pridefully. "With the help of the Hogyoku, I can make you this strong, all I need is a yes." I should've kept my mouth shut. I looked toward Gin for reassurance. I was terrified. He gave me a reassuring nod, but I got a weird vibe from the look on his face. Nonetheless, for Gin, I chose to do it. "Alright." I should've kept my mouth shut.

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