Chapter Six

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"What do you think you're doing here Athena?" Kaname growled. "Calm your titties, douchebag. Oh, and stop calling me that. Grimmjow thought it was time for me to be let go, and seeing as how I'm an Espada I have a right to be here." I laughed. Gin was grinning this entire time and it was making my blood boil. "What, snake? Do you have something you'd like to say?" I snapped at him. "You're quite cunning Athena. I never would've guessed when looking back that you'd turn out like this." He chuckled. "If you lot don't quit calling me that I'm going to hit you. My name is Katrina. However, Gin, it's your fault I've turned out this way; don't act so surprised." I snapped. "You're right, you are an Espada. Feel free to listen, but don't be angry at what you hear. After all, you're the one who insisted on coming." Aizen spoke.

His voice was constantly taunting, like he knew you'd never beat him. His stare was self-assured and confident that no one could ever begin to top it. His pride and will were unmatchable, but certainly not unbeatable. His walk and personality were cold and distant; as if no one could ever reach him. These things made the characteristics of Sosuke Aizen. No one could ever read him or try to figure him out and it irked me.

"Oh like I'd ever get mad over some dumb mission you're issuing." I rolled my eyes at the brown haired man. "How'd you know it's a mission?" Kaname growled. "Oh, word gets around." I taunted back at Aizen. "However, Aizen, I warn you. I also know what this mission is and who you're sending on it. If Yammy screws up and my brother gets killed- which I don't think will happen- but if it does, someone will pay." My voice was dead serious. The atmosphere was tense and Aizen's only reply was, "I realized that already." It wasn't long after that the sound of footsteps cut through the air and broke all tension. Meaningless chatter could be heard from the Espada coming down. 'Idiots.' I thought to myself. Nnoitora was the first to come through the door. "What the fuck?!" He yelled. "You aren't supposed to be here! Aizen locked you away! Grimmjow, what the hell?! You were supposed to keep your fucking eye on her!" He panicked. "It was time I let her go. Even Aizen agreed with me. Calm down piss ant, that is unless you're scared of a woman." Grimmjow smirked and taunted Nnoitora. This caused the 5th Espada to become angry. "What'd you say to me Grimmjow?! I'm a higher rank than you! I can slaughter you!" He yelled. "I have to warn you, mister. You know what rank I could be? I could be Number Four. So I suggest you keep your filthy hands off my brother or I'll show you how strong I really am." Lavender calmly stated. "If you're so strong why are you are fraccion?" He spat at her. "Miss Katrina is an icon, a role model for all women in Hueco Mundo. She's the strongest of everyone in Las Noches, it's been my goal to work for her since she arrived here. I don't care what rank I'm giving up or what happens, she is always going to be my Master." I smiled at Lavender's comment. "That is what you call undying loyalty." Gin chuckled. "I don't know how you'd know what that is, Gin. You've never been loyal." I laughed at my own comment as Grimmjow cackled. "Savage, Katrina. Damn." He said through his fits of laughter. Gin frowned and didn't speak another word. I just smiled. Harribel hugged my neck and whispered, "It's good to have you back," in my ear as she walked by. Everyone went to their seats and Aizen began to speak. "I've been informed that most of you know why we're here today. I'm sending two of you on a mission. A mission to the World of the Living." He spoke calmly. Yammy was grinning from ear to ear. "Que Suerte!"* He laughed as Aizen continued. "Ulquiorra Schiffer, Yammy Llargo, it was the two of you that I had originally selected, but now that Katrina is out I have a special mission for her." This caught my attention. What? "Ulquiorra, you are in charge of your mission with Yammy. Find Ichigo Kurosaki. He has orange hair, a loud mouth, and won't listen to you. He's fully determined to protect his friends, you'll know him when you see him. If he is deemed as a threat eliminate him." Aizen commanded. "Yes sir." Ulquiorra replied. Aizen continued. "Katrina, I have a gigai for you. It completely elimates all traces of spiritual pressure that may be readable to Soul Reapers other than Gin, Tosen, and myself. You are to live in the World of the Living for six months and blend in as a Transfer Student at Kurakara High. You will be brought back once a month by Grimmjow to report on your progress. I want you to spy on Ichigo and his friends. Monitor what's happening. You are not to try to escape or to go back to the Soul Society. You are also to stay away from Shinji Hirako and all other Visards unless I say otherwise. Am I clear?" His voice was stern. "Yes Aizen." I groaned. My luck I'm going to run into more people than I've bargained for. "You're to leave by tomorrow." He finished. I nodded and he continued again. "This meeting is over, resume your positions."

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