Separation-Making New Friends

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A week after Bill and Dipper spent father and son time together and meeting Tad Strange, the young demon was finally settling comfortably around everything. Dipper had also gotten around with calling Bill his Father from time to time which made Bill feel proud inside.

Dipper slid down on the main railing down to the main floor. "Father?!"

"I'm in the living room Sapling!" Bill yelled from where he was from.

Dipper got off the railing and walked to the location where Bill was occupying. He saw the blond demon sitting down after packing their backpacks for the trip. "Everything ready? Can we finally go now?"

Bill grinned down at his son who looked very nervous yet excited. "Yup! Everything we need is in these bags." He handed Dipper a green backpack for him to carry. "Give me a second to get a portal going."

While Bill did his magic, Dipper got his backpack on. Dipper clipped on his two small comfort dolls to his backpack. Today is finally the day where Dipper meets his mother. He was kinda anxious about what his mother would think of him after not seeing him for a long time since he was a newborn.

"I think it's stable now Sapling. Take a step through and I'll follow you in after a couple of minutes. The portal has to take a person in one at a time." Bill tells the boy with a following hum from the portal. He watched his son put his hand out to pass through and slowly gets use to going in all the way. Chuckling in amusement he waited a minute before entering after his son.

Although he took a sudden step back when the portal made a few glitches. It faded in and out before stabilizing again. 'Weird...' He thought to himself. He went through the portal to find himself put into the deep parts of the woods instead of the forest borderline near the town.

"Wait! Then where's Sapling?!"

+Near Forest BorderLine: With Dipper+

Dipper freaked out when the portal behind him glitches until it disappeared. He shakes his head assuming Bill did something that caused a mistake. He waited some time until people passing by were waving at him with smiles and continued on. He even noticed some girls giggling at the sight of him with blushes.

The teen decided, since Bill was taking a long time, he would go explore the town much to his curiosity. He couldn't help it, he was in a different dimension and wanted to know about the place as much as he could. Dipper turned around the corner and found a newspaper stand. He picked it up to find out what's going on around this town.

To his surprise, the town is called Reverse Falls. So he had a suspicion that maybe this dimension could possibly be opposite to his own. "I need some evidence." He says quietly to himself as he put the newspaper back down. He continued his walk around town.

He remembered the path to Lazy Susan's Diner. So he decided to go check there first. When he got there though it wasn't as run down looking, but more well organized and clean. Not that he didn't think Lazy Susan's place was bad, but this was more like an extreme upgrade.

He took the time to check if he had any money in his bag first. Dipper sighed when he found 5 wads of cash in the money pouch that had been enchanted to fit more money inside. "Well that covers lunch, I guess." He closed his backpack and proceeded to go inside the diner.

The diner inside looked better than the outside. Everything is well maintained and there we no signs of the usual rat surfing around.

"Hello dear! Table for one today?"

Dipper gave his attention to the person who looked similar to Lazy Susan, except this Susan had both eyes open. She expressed some acknowledgement and care when she addressed him.

Bill Cipher's Son Version 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now