Happy Birthday to You!

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[Mystery Shack: Birthday day]

Mabel noticed her brother, for the past couple of days, not leaving the dolls alone. He would literally bring them along as much as he could anywhere. Those dolls would either be in his bag or just in his hands in general.

"You sure love those dolls, don't you Dipper?" Mabel asked being oblivious to her brother's new found background.

Dipper just laughed and nodded, "Yeah, they're just so, I don't know... familiar, like I've see these before." He couldn't place his finger on where and why, the doll just soothed him so much.

The both of them went back to work on setting up for the birthday party out in front of the Mystery Shack. There wasn't much left except for expecting their visitors.

"Mabel, could I speak with you for a second?" Ford asked over from the porch.

"I'll be right back Dip!" Mabel says to her brother before going to her Grunkle Ford.

"Okay Mabel, I'll just be here reading through the journal again." He says back to her as he just continues holding the two dolls, giving them attention.

She stepped right up to him and he kneeled down to her height. Ford held out his hand to her holding the first journal and Mabel looked at it curiously. She knew the first three journals were burned by Bill, but thankfully Stan had made copies of all three books before hand.

"Today's the day Mabel. Let's just hope your brother knows what's good alright?" Ford looks as her hopeful. "And I think I want you to hold onto this for now."

"Really Grunkle Ford? But why?" She didn't understand, her Grunkle Ford always kept this book with him. It was too important to just give to someone else especially since it's the first journal.

"I'm just trusting this journal with you for a while. I think it would be better if you hold onto it. Is that alright with you?" Ford seemed tense, but for now Mabel would accept it. Her Grunkle may be worried about something that has to do with the first journal.

"Okay Grunkle Ford." She accepted the journal and hid it under her sweater, just as Dipper would hide his in the inside pocket of his vest jacket.

Then their party guests started to fill into the front yard group by group. Wendy's family was the first to arrive followed by Soos and his Abulita. Basically all the people were town were there bring gifts for them since they were heading back to California soon.

"Guys you made it!" Mabel exclaimed as she hugged Grenda and Candy. They hugged her back tightly with joy.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world Mabel." Candy told her happily. "Because of the whole apocalypse thing our plans were canceled."

"Yeah Girl! We came to Party!" Grenda punched the air happily.

Dipper walks over to them to say thanks to them for coming to the party, Pacifca and Gideon making their way to them to wish the twins a happy birthday also.

"Alright everyone! Gather around! It's time for the twins to blow the candles!" Stan says getting everyone to come around to it their attention in front of the Shack. Mabel and Dipper are already on the porch with their family and friends surrounding them even waddles.

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Mabel and Dipper!~ Happy birthday to you~

Before they blow out the candles the twins said a couple of words to the towns folk. Dipper started first.

"You know, on my first day here, if you had asked me what I wanted, I would have said, "adventure, mystery, true friends." But looking here at all of you I realize that every wish came true." He chuckles, "I have everything I wanted." His expression of content had everyone smiling back at him.

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