Silent Sacrifice

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Underneath the cashmere cloak of my spectral skin,

Tiny pieces of me lay wickedly withered and tragically torn,

Like decaying red roses, drastically destroyed by a surging storm,

Show the internal wild wreckage of destructive damage, inflicted on me over the years.

Faint scalding scars and scabs on my wrists, prove that barbaric battles were frantically fought,

And are currently raging on,

Inside my mind, body and soul.

The deadly demons are demanding,

As they try to expeditiously extract the life out of me like dangerous dementors.

I try to ignore them,

But they breathe sizzling, fierce fire into my head,

Boldly burning my brain until my skin is scorched in fiery flames.

I try to stop my body from briskly blistering by pretending to smile,

But the stifling heat keeps rising,

As I swiftly suffocate in silence.

You have no idea about the vicious, wicked wars I am trying to defeat alone.

You don't ask or offer to help.

So I begin to pick up the pieces,

To make myself whole again.

Suddenly I worriedly watch your body break into fragile fragments,

As you shut down like a manic machine and instantly collapse onto the floor.

Like a glazed, glass vase that has fallen from the counter,

Your skin shatters as it hits the ground,

I grab the sharp serrated pieces,

But like barbarous barbed wire, they carve carelessly into my frail fingers.

Ignoring the crimson cruor trickling tremendously from my hand,

And the piercing pain severely stabbing my battered body,

I start to put you back together,

Like a jumbled jigsaw puzzle,

One piece at a time,

So you will be whole again.

I watch you recover,

As a surging splash of pink gracefully washes over your pale sick skin,

Providing colour to a once black and white portrait.

Your emerald eyes sparkle like shooting stars,

Replacing the shivering shadows that once hid your face with illuminating, luminous light.

I smile as I watch you exquisitely bloom like a florescent flower,

Your brilliant beauty resonating all around you.

Your sparkling smile meets my own, and I know you will be okay.

I glance at the scabbing scars on my arm,

Knowing I must continue putting my pieces back together,

Because even though I fixed you, I know you won't try and fix me

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