Broken Bridge

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You stand silently,

And watch the waves worship, and staunchly stroke the spoiled structure,

Of the barren bridge, that is terrifically towering over you.

Your breath shoots smoke signals into the crisp air,

As you light up a corrosive cigarette,

So the tainted tar and toxins can calm,

The thunderous thoughts exploding in your brain,

And the painful palpitations hollering from your heart.

A whopping wave of anger cruelly collides with your bitter body,

As you throw the flushed flame onto the parched grass.

The scorching sparks scream into the once silent night,

And severely suck onto the bridge's battered base.

The broiling bridge is now burning brilliantly.

The silky sky, is consumed by a charcoal cloud of somber smoke,

As the famished, flames feast upon the trembling trestles.

You seriously stare, as they sink their teeth into the brittle bonds,

Breaking them into puny pieces as they promptly plunge,

Into the mighty mouth of the dangerous deep.

Fear has frozen you in place.

The ferocious fire is too immense for you to stop,

So you turn your back away from the brilliant blaze.

But you decide to be strong and fix what you started.

As you start to make your way across the broken bridge.

You wince as a flame flicks its tongue down your arm,

Leaving a smoldering scar in its path.

Suddenly the fiery flames are nowhere to be seen,

And all that remains is ash and dust.

You frantically find two pieces of damaged debris

And start to fit them together.

You know it will take you a long time,

But you are determined to repair what you broke,

No matter how long it takes.

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