An Atrocious Attack

345 28 16

-This poem is about having a panic/anxiety attack.

My hysterical heart is beating vigorously.

I feel as though it might excitingly explode,

And critically crack my ribs as it painfully penetrates through my chest.

My languid lungs are being strangled severely.

I feel as though they might radically rupture,

As I try to catch my palpitating breath before panic starts to percolate into my bloodstream.

My shaken skin trembles tragically.

I feel as though it might fall off my boreal bones,

As I rapidly rub my arms up and down to sooth my stinging shivers.

My heavy head is pounding powerfully.

I feel as though it might split in two,

As a variety of vicious voices and thunderous thoughts erratically eat away at my brain.

My squeamish stomach is somersaulting savagely.

I feel as though I am on a ship sailing swiftly on wild waves,

As I try to prevent my brittle body from detonating like a blistering bomb.

But I fail as,

The vicious vomit erupts out of my mouth like a violent volcano,

Severely scorching the lining of my esophagus.

I feel as though I might die,

As my battered body convulses carelessly, emptying its contents into the porcelain basin.

I quiver quaintly on the floor like a scared animal.

I feel alone and afraid,

As I lay down to wait for my broken body to recover from another atrocious attack.

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