Black Brick Box

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A motionless bruised body of a young girl sits silently behind a cumbrous curtain of dangerous, darkness inside a cramped black, brick, box.

Her concave cheeks are soaked with salty teardrops that have fallen feverishly from her fatigued, swollen, emerald eyes.

She kicks one of the walloping walls.

And horrifically howls as the brittle bones in her famished feet snap severely into petty pieces.

She passionately punches and savagely scratches at the ceiling, hysterically hoping to escape.

As crimson cruor starts to profusely pour out of her knuckles while her brittle nails break off of her frail flesh.

Her vociferous screams fall onto deaf walls as she buries her heavy head in her harsh hands.

Suddenly the lid of the box opens slightly as a luminous light serenely shines down on her like a sparkling spot light.

Her cracked lips form a soft smile as her brisk body basks in the pool of warmth, reflecting off the radiant rays.

"Freedom" she wildly whispers as a faint flicker of hope ignites inside of her chest like a furious, fiery, flame.

She tries to carefully climb up the wicked wall.

But the lustrous light frantically fades away as the lid slams shut.

She swiftly slides back to the gelid ground.

The feeling of hopefulness is eradicated and replaced with dark despair,

As she sits silently inside the black, brick, box,

Where she will remain trapped for the rest of her life.

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