That Small River

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"Nagihiko!" A young Rima shouted. "Hurry up!"

"I'm trying my best Rima-chan." They were each only 6 years old. "I'm not as good as you at this!"

Nagi was a little ways behind, standing on a rock far from Rima. The two small children were trying to get to the other side of the river.

"Whoa!" Nagihiko jumped to a far big rock. The same rock Rima was on.


"I can't believe you can jump rocks with those tiny legs." He said with a smirk.

She raised her hand ready to hit him when he said, "Remember what we promised? No hitting while we cross the river."

She gave him an annoyed face. "You're going to be I'm even more danger when we get to the other side!"

He smiled, "Race you to it."

He jumped forward. "Hey hey back here you purple-headed freak!"

He almost made it to the end when he heard a loud splash from behind him. His eye enlargened, not wanting to turn around.

"Rima?" He spun around. "Rima!"

She was in the river lying face up, luckily. But she fainted from hitting her head on the rock she slipped on. "No, Rima!"

He ran down and bent down to her. The river wasnt shallow or deep. And the only reason she didn't float down was because her clothing was snagged.

"Rima wake up." He shook her. "What do I do?" He whispered with tears in her eyes. "What if she dies?" More tears slid down his face.

A few minutes had gone by when he finally lifted her from the water. He put her on his back and walked through the river this time. "It should've been me. I was the slow one. I challenged her."

"Nagihiko what happened!" His mother arrived quickly at his backyard door.

"Rima fell in the river," he was crying loudly, "do you think she's going to die? I think her head hit a rock and and."

"Ok, calm down. We'll take her to the hospital."

Every day Nagi waited by her bedside after school. And when he woke up very early he would check on her sleeping body in the morning. Many of his guy friends made fun of him but he continued his ways.

Sometimes he would read his books to her or tell her about how hard the homework was. A few weeks came by and one day he wasn't allowed in her room after school.

"Excuse me, nurse, why am I not allowed in this room?"

"She has awoken. But the doctor is explaining certain things to her."

"Oh I see."

"Come back tomorrow, young boy."

And so he did, "Rima!"

He saw her with puffy eyes and a red nose. "Why are you crying Rima?"

"Because." She turned to him.

"I don't know who you are."

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