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(A long time ago I read a Fanfiction that Rima bought Nagi as a slave. But I didn't like the ending of it. So here I am changing it! Here is the link:

[Also it is going to be a somewhat sad ending... So I didn't make the ending much better 😂]

(After the text: 6 years later)

At this point, Nagihiko had served Rima six years. He was tired from carrying all of her bags and accessories. But she bought him as a slave for 1,000,000 yen, he had no other choice. If he ran away she would kill him.


He turned his head. "Yes, Hime-sama?"

"Still no smiling?" Something sparked in her eyes. "After six whole years, you still don't smile when you serve me?"

"I'm sorry, Hime-sama. I have been really tired recently. I will work harder to serve her highness at my best and to her liking." He bowed, staring at the ground.

"Look in my eyes when you speak!" Her voice had a sharp tone.

He turned and stared into her eyes. Rima almost flinched. She hadn't seen his eyes this blank in ages. "I apologize, Hime-sama. Punish me for being so forgetful."

"I will not." Her voice slightly quivering. "You're dismissed, Fujisaki."

His eyes grew wide and looked at her in disbelief. "Hime?"

"Just go and get some rest." She crossed her arms and looked away from him.

"Thank you for being gracious, Hime-sama." Nagihiko's footsteps echoed as he left the room.

Rima pondered why he seemed so lifeless today. Did she do something wrong? What should she do to see his smile again? But she couldn't be thinking these thoughts. You can never be nice to a slave. Or so her father says. Then she got a brilliant idea...

The next day, Rima pulled along her personal slave to the market place. She would buy something and hang out with him. He must like spending time with her!

"Do you think this is pretty on me?" She looked at him. His eyes were still blank, like he didn't have a point in living any longer.

But she saw him give her a small smile, a blank one too. His eyes met hers. "It's charming, your highness."

It is an improvement, she thought to herself. "Pay the clerk, Fujisaki." He followed accordingly.

"You're very quiet today, Fujisaki. Normally your witty and speak your opinions, no matter what punishment comes after. But being silent earns you a ticket there too. So you pick your options. Would you like to talk... or be whipped?"

She heard him clear his throat. "Whipped." His voice was steady and strong.

It caught Rima by surprise, but she soon became angry. "Fine, then I'll give you 25 whips. For someone who is weak and hasn't been eating much lately, you should die by then."

"Thank you, your highness, for paying attention to my actions."

She blushed, "Don't make me double it!"

When they got to the mansion, Nagihiko was whipped 25 times on his back. By the end of it, he was bleeding hard. But his eyes still were blank. They didn't have fear in them. "Drag him to his room." She ordered.

Nagihiko was thrown in his cold room and laid on the floor, his back to the ground. Everywhere ached. His arms, legs, back, heart. He was tired. So tired he might die in his sleep. Well it's why he has been drinking the red tea leaves.

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