Chapter 8: Resistance

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"You can't keep me here. This is wrong." Molly grunted as she struggled to break free from the strong, tight clutch of the binds wrapped around her body. She was currently strapped to a wooden chair, and was unable to move her arms or legs.

"I told you to stop resisting. You can't break free, no matter how hard you try." A man's voice could be heard from somewhere within the room. Molly didn't say anything in response. Instead, she asked a question that was rather important to her. "Why are you keeping me here?" The man didn't reply for a while, and as a result, caused silence to float around in the room. Molly's attentive, keen hearing could pick up the sound of the man shuffling around the room. It's like he's looking for something. Maybe he is. A sense of dread engulfed Molly as her heart began to rapidly pound inside of her chest. What is he going to do with me?

     "Please don't hurt me." Molly whispered. The shuffling suddenly transformed into silence as the man halted. He turned his head to look over at Molly. "I'm not going to hurt you. You're part of something very important." After having said that, the shuffling sounds returned to fill up the room. "What's the important thing?" Molly quietly asked. Fear was engulfing her rapidly thumping heart. Molly didn't realize it, but she was involuntarily trembling. A drop of cold, wet sweat slid down the side of her face and down towards her neck. "I'm afraid I can't tell you." The man replied with a slight frown.

The man walked over to Molly, then gently set a wooden plate on top of her lap. "Careful. The food is hot." The man warned her. Molly felt the man place something thin and wooden into the grasp of her left hand. "Don't be alarmed. It's just a fork." The man looked at Molly for a moment before turning around and walking away. Molly listened to the sound of the man's soft footsteps fading away as he walked across the room. She soon heard the faint sound of a door closing shut.

Molly was now left alone to be the unsuspecting victim of surprise and confusion. Why is he feeding me? She was reluctant to actually eat the food, even though her stomach was currently both empty and yearning for food. The food was warm, fresh, and had an irresistible, tempting smell. A demanding, grumbling growl from within the depths of Molly's empty stomach made it extremely difficult for her to not eat the delicious, freshly-served food. I know that I'm hungry, but I don't accept food from strangers. For all I care, it could be poisoned. Molly softly sighed as she held the wooden fork in her left hand. I can't even move my arms to eat anyways.

The sound of a door suddenly creaking opening instantly caught Molly's undivided attention. Footsteps could be heard faintly thumping against the wooden floor as the man walked over to Molly. He stared down at the untouched plate of cold food in her lap. "You didn't eat?" The man asked as a slight frown formed on his face. Molly didn't say anything in response. She didn't really want to speak to the man at all. He may be acting nice, but he had a reason for abducting me. I don't want to take any risks.

"You need to eat. You haven't had anything for a couple of hours, now." The man gently insisted. Molly could feel his warm breath floating around in the air near her face. Molly briskly turned her head to the side in a defiant manner. She heard the man heave a heavy, impatient sigh. "Would you at least like some water?" He offered as he crossed his arms. With darkness eternally plaguing her sight, Molly couldn't see the action. A visible frown formed on Molly's face, and, as a result, caused her facial features to temporarily shift. "I just want to go home." She whispered.

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