Chapter Twenty-One

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When I woke, it took me ten seconds to remember where I was. Fifteen seconds to remember who I was with.  Twenty seconds to remember the events of last night I lay on my back, Antanie laying against me to my left, one arm across and around my waist. He breathed heavily, barely stirring. I opened my eyes and turned around to look at the clock on the nightstand.  It was just after three in the morning. I snuggled back down next to Antanie and his arm tightened around me. I looked up to see if he was awake but his eyes were still closed. I fell asleep quickly after that, curled up against Ant.

            When I woke up again, there was a light seeping in through the curtains. I rolled away from Antanie, climbed out of bed and went in to use the bathroom. As weird as it is to admit, it burned a little from last night. As I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I couldn’t stop staring at myself in the mirror. I was looking at my reflection as if I was a new person. A month ago I never would have guessed where I would be now. I guess that goes to show how everything can change. But today, as I looked into the mirror at my image looking back at me, I couldn’t stop thinking; This girl lost her virginity last night. I slept with Antanie Copeland. I’m no longer a virgin. I’ve done it. I’ve had sex. I felt some sort of content acceptance, knowing that I, too, had slept with a boy.

            I left the bathroom then, climbing back into bed, under the warm sheets. Antanie opened his eyes. “Mornin’ Prom Queen.” He smiled when he saw me.

            “Hey,” I smiled back.

            “You sleep okay?”

            “Yup. I was exhausted.”

            He laughed, and got out of bed. “I’ma be back. Wait there.”

            “Oh I’m going nowhere.” I replied as he went into the bathroom.

            I snuggled down under the covers and waited for Ant. He came back a moment and lay down next to me. “Hey,” he said. “You okay?”

            “Yeah. I’m fine.”

            “Iight. Just checkin’. You comfortable?”

            “Antanie,” I giggled. “I’m fine. You’re fine. I don’t regret anything.”

            “That’s what I like to hear.” he said, kissing me.

            A minute later I pulled away. “Ant how long have you liked me?”

            “Since PE last year.”

            “What? Seriously?”


            “Oh. Wow. Okay. Why were you such a jerk to me at first?”

            “Ion know. It was the best way to really get your attention without flirting and lookin petty.”

            “Flirting isn’t petty.”

            “Well I suck at it. So I was an asshole instead.”

            I laughed. “Well regardless of how you approached me, I’m glad you did.”

            “I’m glad I did too, Prom Queen.”

(So I'm revising the book trailer for this..and I might change the title. It was originally named after the song by Ne-Yo because this was a happy, sappy love story. Antanie's character was going to be a Nigerian named Andre and he was originally a sweet, happy fun guy, much unlike how Antanie was first perceived. story title suggestions?) Comment!

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