Chapter Two

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 I got in my car and pulled out of the parking lot, turning on the radio. I found my pop-rock station and turned it up when I heard Nickelback’s voice over the static.

                I was almost home when an old, loud car came swerving in front of me on the road. I slammed on the breaks, praying to God that the car behind me was paying attention. “Oh shit, oh shit,” I muttered, leaning to look out the window. The car had driven to the lane on the other side of me. When our cars reached a stoplight, I pulled up next to it, rolling down my window. “Do you mind?” I called to the guy in the car. I recognized him from my PE class last year although I’d never talked to him before. His name was Antanie. I didn’t think he could hear me over his music. I could spot bass boosters in the backseat. I narrowed my eyes at him as he rolled down his window. I could hear the words now, the foul lyrics blasting out of the car.

                “I’m talking to you!” I raised my voice to be heard over the music. Antanie saw my pissed expression and grinned, flashing his white teeth. I just raised my eyebrows. He laughed, turning down the music.

                “A’ight, Prom Queen, I’ll play.”

                I ignored my nickname and his annoying smile and pressed on, “What the hell do you think you were doing? I almost hit you! You better watch it on the road or it’s gonna cost you.”

                “Shouldn’t you?” He challenged.


                “You should be watchin’ where you’re going. If you was payin attention you woulda seen my car comin up in front of you.”

                “You’re trying to blame me on this? Hold up buddy, but I think it was you who swerved in front of me when you weren’t supposed to. You didn’t even have your (signal) lights on. If we crashed, you would be paying.”

                He studied me for a second and then said, “Whatever you say Prom Queen.” He looked back out the front window of his car. I glared at him defiantly for a moment before he turned back to me saying, “What?”

                I opened my mouth but before I could say anything else he raised his eyebrows and pointed forward. I looked in the direction he was pointing and saw that the cars in front of me had driven ahead and I was holding up the rest of the line. I heard Antanie laughing as I rushed to drive forward. Face hot, I made a point to not look at him as I drove away.

                I was still fuming when I got home so I skipped the coffee and just went in to take a shower. That night it took me no time at all to fall asleep.


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