Chapter Five

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          By lunch I was exhausted from classes with Antanie. I only had three left, two of which were Art and Chemistry, which meant no more classes with him til 6th period math. What a relief. He’d been irritating me all morning.

                I found Haley in our usual spot with Michaela, Indiana, and Darius.

                I’ll take a moment to introduce them.

                First off, there’s Haley. Haley’s been my best friend since 4th grade. She’s a wild child, and she’s really good about being nice to everyone, keeping her temper in check and being patient with people. Even after all our years of friendship, those were some traits that still hadn’t rubbed off on me. I’m a nice person too, unless you piss me off.

                Then there’s Michaela. She’s got a great sense of style, she also keeps up with school and celebrity gossip and juicy details, and treats tabloids like a religion. I’m not sure how much she believes in those magazines, but I have to agree with her that they’re fun to look at. Not that anyone really wants to read 15 reasons why Taylor Swift is worse than Miley Cyrus. I mean, they’re both successful people doing their own thing, and seriously, who really gives a fuck?

                Indiana just moved here from the Florida Coast. She’s a total beach girl and pretty much hates it here because it’s cold and there really isn’t anywhere to swim other than pools. Since she came she’s sort of been the “it” girl in our grade but I don’t think she’s really into any of the guys here. I don’t blame her.

                And of course Darius. Darius is my best gay guy friend. He’s super sweet and bubbly, and you could never tell past his smile and radiance that he’s been through a lot in life. Back in the 8th grade he came out publicly as a gay guy, and he got a lot of bad reactions, especially from his family. After his dad found out he kicked Darius out, and he came and stayed with me for about three months before his mother convinced his dad to let him come home. He still comes around every now and then when he gets in arguments with him.

                “So Elissa, tell me. How’s your schedule change working out? Any undiscovered gems out there?” Darius asked. I looked at him.

                “Hel-lo, cute guys?”

                “Oh. Nope. Same old ugly ass boys.”

                “So I’m still the cutest?”

                “By far.”


                Which was true. Darius was probably the cutest guy I know. A bunch of girls still crush on him even though he’s gay. I think some of them still have their hopes up that he’ll turn straight for them, which is bullshit. I know Darius, and he’s probably one of the gayest gay guys I know. You’d have to get my boy fucked up to have him falling for some girl like that. I know that for a fact.

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