The Next Day

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Tommy :  I woke up and I hear screams and stuff being thorn agaisnt the wall. I ran to my mother's room to see her crying on the floor with dad sanding over her with a belt whipping her on the back. I ran to her and stood in front of dad to stop him but he drew a fist and punched me in my jaw my vision was blurred from the hit. I drew my fist back and punched him in his throat and grabbed the belt and wrapped it around his neck when all of a sudden I see Angel in the mirror of the room and I released my hands around the belt. I grabbed my mother and we went out side to get out of town when Angel stoped me in my tracks and pulled me away and handed me a pho"e and said call when ever this happens again ill be here in seconds to stop it ok. I nodded my head and then all of a sudden I was back in my bed and it was silent in the house it was like nothing had just happened.

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