Mrs. Grownoun's Room

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Tommy :  I walked into the class room when I saw Angel. She was sitting alone at the table in the middle of the room were I sat last year. I sped walked to the table then all of a sudden Drake walked in and ran to the table and sat there. He dishonored bro code that was so not cool. So I just walked to the back of the room were the losers sit. All of a sudden Mrs. Grownoun saved me see was going to make seating arrange ments. This was my last hope of sitting by Angel.

"The first lucky people are Angel and," said Mrs. Grownoun.

It was as if time was frozen. Angel stood up and walked to the clock and moved to hour hand to three and moved the minute hand to the six to make 3:30. Then all of a sudden the last bell rang for school to get out. Everyone was so confused bit happy. I see Angel walk out of the school.

"Hey Angel doesn't seem"like time just flew by," I said confused

" Ya it does,"she said giggling

"Are you a witch or something I saw what you did,"

"Tommy what is wrong with you me be a witch your so funny you must be really tired go get some rest," she said giggly

"Ok?" I said curiously 

A Lover's WishTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon