Good Morning

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Tommys version : Today was the first day of high school. The awful place were bad things happen to people like me. I woke up around seven am to just get dressed I wore a plaid shirt with my black skinny jeans that has holes in the knees. I pushed my hair into my eyes and went down stairs.

"Honey breakfast is ready," yelled mom with a sweet tone.

"Be down in a bit," I yelled back. "Can I take drive to school today"

"Yes, deary,"

I ran down stair when I realized I forgot my phone so I ran back up the swearly stair case to get my new iPhone 8S. I ran down again to see mom greet me with eggs, bacon, toast, and orange juice freshly squeezed. I ate everything quick kissed mom on the cheek and ran outside to see my new black Cherokee Jeep with a hemi engine.

"Drive safe son," said my dad

"DAD U SCAIRED ME," I yelled.

"I didn't mean to Tommy,"

I hopped into the jeep and drove off.

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