Good Morning

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Angel's version : I woke up around five am cause I wanted to make breakfast for my mother heaven, my 6yrs old sister Jasmine, 7yrs old brother Ricky, and my other little sister serenity she is 10. I love waking up to make things for my family people say I do to much for them but I love to since my father died last year he always made us breakfast everyday and would make our lunches. Mom says and I quote "just cause your father's gone doesn't mean you have to take over what he did for us". Anyways I made bacon, eggs, heart shaped pancakes, waffles, biscuits, and gravy for everyone.

I was still in my zebra footy pajamas my father bought me. I went down stairs and woke up serenity, Jasmine,and Ricky.

"Wakie wakie my little babies," I said softly.

Dad use to say that to wake me up before my siblings came along. I would wake up in the best mood and so do they.

"Breakfast is ready,"

"BREAKFAST. WERE UP ,'' They yelled at the same time.

I dashed up the stairs ran to my mom's room and jumped on her bed like I was a little kid.

"Mom I got the kids up and there eating,'' I said

'' what would I do with out you I'll be out in ten minutes Angel,'' mom said

I ran down stairs and got moms plate ready then I ran down the steps into my room and got a shower. After my hour long shower it was 6:50. I dashed to my closest and through out all my clothes to see what I wanted to wear. I tried on 40 different outfits untell I found the perfect one. It was a white shirt and a denim jacket that the selves were torn off of and my pair of black skinny jeans. I grabbed my phone and dashed to make sure the kids were all dressed which they were. Then we all got into my convertible and we left. I first I dropped of the kids at Lincoln leopards elementary then drove to eagle high.

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