After School

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Tommy : I walked to the parking lot still confused. I was about to get into my jeep when I realized I left the keys in Mrs.Grownoun's room. I walked down to her room feeling dumb. I looked into the window in the door and realized nobody was in there so walked in and saw Mrs. Grownoun floating on top of her desk. I grabbed my keys and ran out and didn't stop running till I reached my car. I jumped inside locked the doors and drove off in a panic.

I wad so confused as to why Mrs.Grownoun was floating then I remembered the time changing in first hour. She was either a witch, Angel, or some evil character. I wonder which one she is? Is Angel like her aunt? Will she kill me? These are the questions I asked myself while I was driving home.

Angel called me once I reached my house. I ignored the call jumped out of my jeep and headed to the house. I felt really bad for ignoring her call but I didn't want to talk to her after what I saw. I am still horrified from what I saw that was so scary no human can be capable of doing what see did.

I unlock my house door I am home alone for awhile. I go to my room and sit on the edge of my bed try to relax then I decided to call Angel back.

"Hello?" She said

"Hey Angel I was busy I couldn't answer the phone at the moment,"

"It's ok can I ask you something," she said worried

"Of course you can you can tell me anything,"

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