Part Sixteen - Jauren

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After finishing the dance with Tessa I was knackered, and wanted nothing more than to curl up next to Nath and watch TV with the rest of the lads and Lauren. But as soon as I walked in Lauren walked up to me said

Lauren- You need to help me get ready. Me and Jay are going on our first date tonight.

She drags me to the other side of the bus where all the boys are and tells me to wait there for a second so she can grab some clothes. I sit down next to Nath and givr him a kiss and finally get off my feet when Lauren runs in and says

Lauren - Right lets get going.

I ask her

Me- Lauren where the hell are we going?

Lauren - The dancers dressing room more space in there.

I get up with a massive grunt and go to follow her out the bus, but just before I do turn round to Jay and ask him where he is taking her. I say bye to the other boys and go into the dancers dressing room.

Me – Right I know where bird is taking you so I know what you have to wear.

She tries to get it out of me for the whole time I’m helping her get ready. I start by curling her hair and then we move onto what she’s going to wear. I pick out a red maxi dress and I let her borrow my white cardie and wrap a brown belt around them and a pair of black heels . For her make-up I do a smokey eye and then a red lipstick along with all the normal make-up. That takes about an hour so when we are finished we make our way back to the bus and when I get in I see that all the boys are stood around Jay who was only in his boxers throwing different clothes at him.

Me - Wow I didn’t know Jay was a stripper now.

Me and Lauren both start laughing and Jay goes red. He obviously hasn’t seen Lauren yet who I see is hiding behind the wall so that he doesn’t. Nath goes

Nathan – Hey babe, we’re trying to decide what Jay should wear!

Max – I think he should wear this

He shows me a pair of black skinny jeans and a normal t-shirt.

Me – Max he’s going on a date not just lazing around the bus!

He sticks his tongue out at me and I look at Tom who also has an outfit in his arms. Who’s also has pair of black skinny jeans but has a shirt and a black blazer.

Tom – Seev thinks mines better but Nath thinks that Max’s is better.

I act like I’m thinking about it for a minute and then finally say

Me – Tom’s a hundred percent!

Tom and Siva high five and celebrate and Max and Nathan both just stare at me.

Max – What really you go against your brother and your boyfriend!

I nod at him and he goes

Max – No longer siblings!

Nathan – Yeah it’s over

I stand there looking shocked but he runs over to me and picks me up.

Nathan – Only joking baby. Love you!

Me – you better be!

I give him a kiss and Jay goes off to go get ready. I shout to him

Me – Do you want me to do your Make-up aswell?

From behind the bathroom door I hear a


And then laughing.

Lauren’s pov

Why am I so nervous about our first date it’s not like we’re not already going out and I don’t have to make first impressions. I’m hid behind a wall still and I really don’t know why. I hear Jay coming out from the bathroom and then hear him saying

Jay – Where’s Lauren?

Amy – You can come out now Lauren!

I come out from behind the wall and I see Jay’s face drop and Amy sitting on her knees on the sofa with her arms over the edge doing a massive grin. I get really nervous when I see Jay still with his mouth wide open

Me – What have I got something in my teeth?

Jay – N no it’s just you look gorgeous!

Amy – Awe thanks

Nathan pulls her down chuckling and goes

Nathan – Leave them alone.

She laughs and Jay comes towards me and kisses me and says

Jay – you ready to go?

I nod and he takes my hand and leads me out of the bus into the taxi. He doesn’t say anything to the taxi driver he just seems to know where he is going. We chat all the way there until we stop outside a Sushi restaurant. How does he know I love Sushi? We get out and we go through the doors into a private booth at the back just behind the kitchen. We order our food and I go

Me – How did you know I love Sushi?

Jay – you told me on the first day that I met you.

Awe he remembers the first day we met that’s so cute! We spend the rest of the dinner just asking each other questions. After we’ve eaten we get back into the Taxi and he drives through New York I spend the whole journey just staring out the window looking at New York lit up. We stop outside a building and he takes me up the lift until we reach the very top. When we step out I notice we’re on the Empire State Building.

Me – The view up here is beautiful!

He replies saying

Jay – It really is isn’t it!

I turn round to look at him but I notice he isn’t looking over New York he’s looking over at me.

A/N – So sorry I didn’t upload on Friday but that whole Alex Day thing happened and I was very shocked and couldn’t write anything. Anyway please vote and please please comment I would love to know what you think about it. Thank you byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

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