Part Fifteen - Tessa

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I had been getting hate on twitter for last week but I’ve gotten used to know so they it doesn’t bother me as much anymore. I’ve got dance rehearsals in about half an hour but I’m still in my pj’s so I really need to change. I decide wait another 15 minutes just because I’m lazy. Just as I’m about to pick up my book again, my phone goes off. I pick it up and see that the text is from Liv

From Courtney X

Hey rehearsals have been moved forward to now both off the buses are parked in front of the arena right? Xo

To Courtney X

Yeah they are I’ll be there in about 5 minutes got to get changed still in my PJ’s haha Xo

Just as I’m about to get up to get changed my phone goes off I’m about to leave it because it’s probably just a text to say “see you in a bit” but then it goes off again so I decide to check

From Courtney X

Ok see you in a bit Xo

From Courtney X

Oh nearly forgot bring you ballet pumps and Points you and Tessa are going to be doing a ballet piece. Xo

To Courtney X

Ok thanks I’ll have to dig them out might be a bit longer haha xo

Great Tessa she’s a bundle of joy. She’s awful she’s so mean to everyone and she’s a complete bitch who has a massive crush on Nathan and hates me because I’m his partner and was his best friend. Oh god what is she going to be like now I’m actually going out with him. She may actually kill me. I may be dead by the end of this rehearsal. Save me God please just save me! I get up and pull a pair of grey cotton tracksuit bottoms and put on a black vest top. I put my hair in messy bun, put foundation, eyeliner, mascara and my baby lips on and started to look through my suitcase trying to find my dance shoes. I find them after about 5 minutes and then run through to the other side of the bus and say

Me – Bye guys see you in about 2 hours if I come back alive.

They all give me confused looks.

Siva – why would you not come back alive little en?

Me – Tessa!

Max – Oh yeah want me to come with you? Beat the living shit out of her if she even touches you?

Me – Thanks but its fine Max.

Jay – Tessa? The one I dance with? What’s wrong with her?

I explain to them what’s wrong with Tessa and by that point I am 5 minutes late so I literally have to run to the dance studio inside the arena. When I get in I see Courtney running towards me with her arms open!

Courtney – AMY!!


When we come together she pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear

Courtney – Thank god you are here. Tessa’s been bitching about you!

As we pull away I look up to see Tessa staring at me giving me a dirty look.

Me – Hey guys. Sorry I’m late. Couldn’t find my shoes.

I see our dance instructor Danielle chuckling at me and she says

Danielle – Only you would lose your Points when you hadn’t worn them yet. Right today girls we are going to be doing the Glad you came dance and I’m going to show Amy and Tessa the Lie to Me dance. Then the boys are going to be coming and we’ll show them the dances and teach them what to do in them. Okay?

All of us – Okay.(A/N – I COULDN’T HELP MYSELF!)

We spend an hour going over Glad You Came and then the dreaded moment came to do the Lie to Me. When I’m putting on my points Courtney comes over and goes

Courtney – I heard about you and Nathan. I do it was going to happen at some point!

Me – Awe thanks, I don’t think Tessa’s going to be too pleased about it though

I laugh and look over to her to see her giving me the evils again.

Courtney – Ignore her.

As I make my way over to Danielle to see where she wants me positioned, Tessa puts her leg out and trips me over. I fall to the floor and look up at her to see her snickering. Courtney runs over and helps me up

Courtney – Oh my god Ames are you alright?

Me – Yeah I’m fine. Sorry Tessa I’m so clumsy didn’t see your leg there.

I give her a big cheesy smile and all the other girls laugh at me. This is not going to be fun.

A/N – sorry for the late upload and that’s it’s so short. Please vote and comment what you think. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

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