Part Six - Telling Everyone

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Nathan and I spend the rest of the day watching Friends and I finish off my Maths which was awful. We were waiting for the rest of them to get back to tell them the news. Even though Nath said that he knew Max would be cool with it I'm still shitting myself what if he isn't he might actually kill us. While all these thoughts are going around in my head I get a text off Lauren saying

Message from Lauren x

Hey we're on our way back :) how did your day with Nathan go? ;) xxx

Trust Lauren to text me that I text her back going

Hi ok see you in a bit and it went fine thanks we need to talk to you all when you get back :) xxx

She'll probably guess what it is just from that knowing Lauren. I turn my attention back to Friends. Oh my god I love this episode "The One Where Joey Speaks French" it's my favourite episode. Nathan turns to me and goes

Nathan- so where do you want to go on our first date?

Me- where ever I'm happy with what you pick

Nathan- ok I'll have to try and make it extra special then

Me- of course you do

I say winking he starts smiling and bends down and gives me a peck on the lips. My phone starts vibrating because I haven't got it on loud I look down at the caller I.D. It's Lauren. So she's got my text. I answer it and as soon as I pick up I hear her shout

Lauren- Oh my god Amy tell me what's happened now!

Me- Sorry I can't do that

I love teasing Lauren she's hilarious when she's in a mood.

Lauren- But why can't you just tell me and I'll act surprised later?

Me-  Jeez Lauren you're going to be back in like 5 minutes calm yo tits!

Lauren- Fine see you in a bit byeeee

Me- Byeeeeeee

Lauren going to freak when she finds out. She'll be so happy and now since me and Nathan are together we need to get her and Bird together. It's so obvious they like each other they were flirting like crazy last night they just need to need with the fact that they are in love.

Me- Oh Nath

Nathan- Yeah

Me- They're all going to be back in like 5 minutes

Nathan- Ok you nervous?

Me- Yeah but just about telling Max

Nathan – Don't worry babe you'll be fine

He says giving me a peck on the lips again. Even though he said it'll be fine twice I'm still kind of worrying I know what Max has been like in the past he has the talk with them and basically scares them to the point where they're like "oh yeah about the whole going out with you yeah I don't think I want to go out with you anymore" I really don't want this to happen to Nathan cause I really like him. Just as about to go off into a trance about what could happen when Max finds out they all walk out. Nathan still has his arm around me and I hear Lauren squeal.  Me and Nathan both jump up as we know we're about to start explaining what we need to tell them.

Max- What did you guys need to tell us?

Oh god this is the moment I've been waiting for. And I'm still shitting it.

Me- Well umm I..

I see Lauren staring at me. She knows exactly what I'm going to say even though I haven't said anything yet. I look up to Nathan and he knows I want him to tell them instead

Nathan- Well me and Amy are umm going out

I look up from the ground and I look at all of their faces Lauren's jumping up and down screaming

Lauren- I knew it I knew it!

I just smile at her I look at Jay's face he's smiling and so are seev and Tom. Max is just looking at us shocked he looks at me and I smile at him and he starts walking over to Nathan. Oh god here comes the killing

Max- if you hurt her mate I'm going to kill you

Nathan looks at me and puts his arm round me and smiles

Nathan- I'm not going to mate

He then gives me another peck on the lips. Oh my god I'm going out with Nathan!

A/N- I know it's really short but I had writers block and I've been really busy. Thank you so much for over 200 reads. Comment and vote byeeeeeeeeeee :) 

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