Chapter Something

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Your P.O.V.~ 

We returned to the mansion and I told a story to the master of the house while Sebastian put Ciel to bed. 

Our story was that we found kids from the town nearby making tracks and burning things to make it look like fire. We took them home and their parents chewed them out. It wouldn't happen again. 

We would go home the next morning and meet the dragons outside the battlefield. I would go along with Ciel and Sebastian to reason because the dragons would attack enemy dragons on sight. 

~Time Skip to Outside the Battlefield~ 

We stood outside the battlefield. Everything was burned and charred. How no one found this is beyond me. 

"Are you ready, Sebastian, (Y/n)?" Ciel snapped me back to reality. 

"Of course, young master." We chorused. 

We walked into the middle of the battlefield. The plan was to get a dragon to spot us and take us to the leader. I spread my wings back and titled my head. Taking in a deep breath I paused. This should get us some attention. I let out a roar that could be heard for miles. 

Both Sebastian and Ciel looked startled. I smirked. "Well, I hope you're ready to meet some more dragons." 

As soon as I said that I saw figures in the sky flying towards us. Dragons. 

Once they landed one stepped forward. He was a dark brown color, and covered in scars. 

"Who are you?" 

I stepped forward. We had agreed that I would do the talking since I had the most rank among dragons. 

"(Y/n) of the Sapphire, first princess. I have come to speak with your leader." I commanded. 

The dragon looked taken aback, then growled. "What business to do you have with him?" 

"I do believe, you are fighting my people. I have every right to talk to him so you will take me to him now, or we can resolve this on the battlefield." I narrowed my eyes dangerously. 

The dragon thought it over for a minute, then looked back at me. "Why should we? We could kill you here and now and be done wi-" 

I cut him off. "I've had enough of this bullshit. I outrank you anyway you look at it, so you will listen. If you don't, I will have to kill you and have one of your comrades take me instead." 

To prove my point I made my wings grow bigger and scales appear on my face and body. The dragon finally nodded. "Fine. Have your companions get on my back and let's go. One wrong move and I will not hesitate to drop them." 

I nodded and jumped into the air, followed by the other dragons. 

~Time skip because I don't wanna write the whole flight~

We arrived to a giant cave system, much like where my mother and her people were staying. Instead of being sent straight to the leader we were sent to a dress room. I was told to put on a dress that I suppose was for a princess. (At the top)

Ciel and Sebastian were fine, and given some food. 

"For enemies, we are being treated quite well." Sebastian observed. 

Ciel nodded. "That's what worries me." 

"You both worry but at least you don't have to wear a stupid fucking dress!" I struggled to not trip in it.

"Keep your back straight. Walk one foot in front of the other." Sebastian commanded. 

I sighed and did as he said. Because the dress was long and flowy I could still wear my combat boots, instead of heels.  

After what felt like an eternity a dragon finally came to bring us to the leader. 

We entered a large cave with a slightly elevated point near the back. On the slight stump, sat a dragon. He was large, but not as large as my mother. He was completely black except his eyes, which were dark purple. 

"Welcome, (Y/n) of the sapphire. I have been eager to meet you." He rumbled. 


Yay! And update! I'm sorry it's been so long!

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