I've given up on titles but this is a chapter so yay!

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Your P.O.V.~ 

The next day Madam Red and the Asian dude showed up. (Idk the Asian dudes name and I'm to lazy to look it up so he is now named 'Asian Dude') 

Ciel talked them about the case in the lounge and after a lot of talking and such Ciel decided to wait with Sebastian and me as bait/guards in an ally where they were pretty sure Jack the Ripper held his base. 

So after preparation and planning it was decided that I would wait on a roof above and Sebastian and Ciel would be in the ally dressed as normal people. 

(Time skip to the action) 

Ciel's P.O.V. 

We had been waiting for a while when we heard a scream. Sebastian and I ran toward it, (Y/n) following us by rooftop. 

When we came to the source of the scream we found a mutilated body of a young woman. In the door way stood the shadowy figure of Jack the Ripper. 

"Come out here!" I demanded. 

Out stepped a nervous looking Grell. He started to say how he was forced or something about it wasn't what it looked like. 

Your P.O.V. ~ 

Grell walked out. 

"Y-you've got it all wrong!" He stammered. "I heard a scream and ran over here but she was already.." 

"I think you can stopping playing innocent in that body." Sebastian's voice cut through the air. "You played the role of a harmless butler quite well." 

"Well..?" Grell stood in his spot a moment more before he grinned. His teeth had turned sharp. "You think so?"  

He took out the ribbon that tied his hair and took off his glasses. He pulled out a comb and started to comb his hair. I had to stifle a gasp as his hair started turning bright red.  

"Well then Sebastian. No wait, Sebas-chan.... let me re-introduce myself." Grell grinned. "I am Grell Sutcliff, butler to the Burnetts." He blew a kiss at Sebastian and I could see Sebastian visibly shiver.  

"I never thought I would see a demon play butler!" 

"I could say the same. I never thought I would see one of your kind play butler either," Sebastian smirked. "A grim reaper." 

Now why would a grim reaper be playing butler? I asked myself. As if he heard me, Sebastian asked the same question. 

As a response, Grell said he had fallen in love with a certain woman. 


"Do you really need to ask?" A voice came out of the shadows. 

Out of the shadows, walked Madam Red. Ciel's eyes widened slightly, but he didn't move back. Sebastian just glared. 

I stayed where I was. I would jump down if I needed to but until then it was best to keep myself hidden. 

"Of course." Ciel murmered. "No human could have committed all the murders. But if one had an inhuman partner, that would change everything."  

"The victims had other things in common." Ciel continued. "They all underwent surgery at London Central Hospital, where you work. The only patient who hadn't been killed, was Mary Kelly, who lived in that flat. I thought you'd show up if I kept an eye on the place. I couldn't save her though..."  

"This is unfortunate my beloved nephew. If you hadn't found me out, we could have played chess together again." Madam Red clenched her fist. "But...I wont let anything get in the way this time!" 

Grell swung a chainsaw he pulled out of nowhere at Ciel but Sebastian blocked it. 

I jumped down and dragged Ciel away a little. Grell's eyes widened a little when he saw a girl with dragon wings, but that wasn't important. 

"What the hell is that?!" Ciel was looking at Grell's chainsaw.. 

"It's a grim reapers tool for harvesting soul. A reapers sickle." I explained. 

I watched as Grell started flirting with Sebastian, and it kinda pissed me off.  

"Sebastian!" Ciel lifted up his eye patch. "In my own black name and that of the Queen, I order you: put an end to them!" 

Sebastian and Grell started fighting. I didn't have time to join in because Madam Red was coming at Ciel with a knife. I didn't seem to exist to her.  

I moved Ciel behind me and the knife went across my arm. "Good thing I wore a tank top." I muttered. 

"Why do this if you're a doctor!?" Ciel yelled. 

"A kid like you would never understand! YOU NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN BORN!" Madam Red jumped up and swung the knife down. To easy. But right before I could block, she stopped. 

"(Y/n)! Don't kill her!" Ciel ordered. I froze. 

"I loved my sister...I loved him....I loved their.." Madam Red started to cry and whispers. "I can't. I can't do it after all. I can't kill him."  

Grell gave a sigh behind us. "You say that now? You've sliced so many women to bits. If you don't erase him he'll erase you!" 

Madam Red faced Grell.. "But this boy is my-" 

She never got a chance to finish. I watched as Grell sliced through Madam Red. Ciel's only living relative. 

Out of Madam Red's chest pictures came out. Telling her whole backstory. About how she loved the man her Sister married, and how she hated the color red. How she got married but got in a crash that killed her husband, and that to save her they had to remove her uterus with a baby inside. It was heartbreaking to watch. 

Grell shrugged and started to walk away. Ciel crouched next to Madam Red's body. 

"Sebastian." Ciel's voice was angry. "I thought I told you to put an end to him." 

Sebastian smirked and nodded. Going after Grell. They started fighting. Both were on pretty even ground. 

I looked at Ciel. "Permission to go after Grell and help Sebastain?" 

Ciel looked at me and nodded. 

I flew up and tackled Grell to the ground. Ignoring how the chainsaw cut my side. I would hurt him just as much as he had hurt Ciel. Grell threw me off but Sebastian took my place and attacked him. We had him in a corner. 

Suddenly a new face appeared and started dragging Grell away. 

"William! You're no fun!" Grell whined. 

William apologized to us and told us how he was from the society and that he would be taking Grell. I wanted to argue and kill Grell but Sebastian put a hand over my mouth and thanked William. 

I refused to talk to Sebastian on the ride home and left him to take care of Ciel to take a bath and bandage my wounds. 

How could he not let me kill him. I wanted to make Grell hurt. He had taken Ciel's only living relative. He didn't kill Ciel so I saw no reason to kill him, but I definitely wanted to beat a little sense into him. Plus he liked Sebastian. I could add a little fuel to fire with that. 

I sighed and got out of the bath. Putting on some breeches for night pants and a white loose shirt, I walked back into my room. I froze when I saw Sebastian sitting on my bed reading something. He didn't seem to notice me so I went for the door. 

Right when my hand touched the door handle I hear his voice. "Where do you think you're going little dragon?" 


Over 1000 words :3!!! So much smut potential left so if you want some smut happening (Or if you want a future lemon) Tell me ideas *Evil laughter* 


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