I suck at naming chapters

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"You heard (Y/n), let's talk business."  

Your P.O.V.~ 

My mother looked at Ciel, her gaze calculating. 

"We have a slight problem. We are hiding in the forests temporarily. We will move back once the problem is, taken care of." The dragons eyes took on a bloodthirsty look and I heard Sebastian next to me. 

"I see where (Y/n) gets it from." 

"What exactly did I get, Sebastian?" I had a dangerous smile on my face. 

"Your sadistic side." Sebastian stated bluntly. 

Before I could get up and hit him my mother started to laugh. Dragon laughing sounds like deep rumbling and smoke puffs come out of their nose. 

Ciel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Back to business. What problem?" 

"Some other dragons. Corrupt ones. Or at least, in our eyes." 

I tilted my head back and took up deep breath. "Your eyes?" 

She nodded. "Think of it as your human wars. Two different breeds of humans fight for territory. It's rare for that to happen among dragons, but possible. We cause much more damage however." 

I nodded my head in understanding. So did Ciel. Sebastian just stood next to Ciel. 

Ciel spoke up. "If you were to get your territory back, would you go back and leave the humans alone?" 

My mother nodded. 

"Sebastian. Get a quill and papaer." Ciel gave out commands. "(Y/n), start thinking up an excuse of why we were gone, it may be a while before we are back." 

My mother started laughing again. Ciel looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Yes? 

"I just find it funny. The princess of dragons, a maid to a human, who is contracted to a devil." Ciel's gaze snapped towards me. 

"Don't look at me I don't know anymore than you do!" I shrugged. 

Ciel looked back at my mother. "I do believe proper introduction are in order." 

My mother nodded. "My name is Chua of the Sapphire, 151st queen of the dragons. Your maid is my daughter, (Y/n) of the Sapphire, first princess and next in line for the throne of dragons." 

I felt my own eyes widen and watched in silence. 

"Earl Ciel Phantomhive. Pleasure to meet you." 

Sebastian returned with pen and paper. He wrote down the location of where the battle field was, the name of the enemy dragon race, and our role. Ciel was going to buy the land and keep it off limits while we all went to try and reason with the other leader. If that did not work, we would help Chua in the battle, and drive them out. 

"Now that that's out of the way, more personal matters await." My mother looked at me. 

I nodded and swallowed hard. "Where have you been all my life?" I kept my head high and my voice steady. 

"Your father insisted on raising you with humans until you were older, then bring you to me and teach you about your dragon side." 

"Who was my father?" 

"An adventurer. He was a kind man. I used to meet him in my human form. His name was Nixxon." 

I nodded and smiled a little. "It's nice to know I have a mother who isn't a tyrant." 

My mother laughed and nuzzled me with her muzzle. 

Sebastian's P.O.V.~ 

I watched as (Y/n) talked to her mother. Her face was soft, a rare treat. She looked cute. Maybe after all this was done, I could have a little fun with her. 

Your P.O.V.~ 

I felt happy. I had started to learn my past. After a few minutes Ciel walked up to me. 

"(Y/n), we have to go. People will get suspicious if we are gone any longer. Do you have a story ready?" 

I nodded and said goodbye to my mom, then left with Sebastian and Ciel. I smiled to myself. My life was looking up for the better. 


I HAVE UPDATED WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Sorry for not updating I have been busy and stuff and reading fanfics (really into vampire knight at the moment even though Yuki annoys me but ya know~) anyway~~ Sebastian seems to be his usual self, sorry if hes been a little out of character lately. ;-; 

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