Namu's Story

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Namu's P.O.V.

"Hello everyone, my name is Namu. And I'm the whale who started it all"  

How it all Started

June 23rd, 1965~

Like most wild orcas, I lived in a big family pod with my mom and siblings. 

I don't exactly remember what happened, but all I remember is that one day I somehow wounded up in a net with another young whale who manged to escape, near Namu, British Columbia. Thus earning my name. 

These strange creatures known as humans soon came and discovered me. I was the third killer whale ever captured. The first two were Wanda, who died just two days after her capture. And Moby doll, who was harpooned and died 3 months after capture in a sea pen.

I was soon approached by a young man named "Ted Griffin", who was an owner of a marine aquarium in Seattle. He was the one who bought me for $8,000 and gave me the name Namu. I was then moved 450 miles in a floating sea pen across the ocean, all the way to Griffin's aquarium in Seattle. My family followed me at points crying, but I told them I'd be okay.  

I missed my family, but I also wanted to show and prove to the world that killer whales are gently and only curious, jut like humans.    

At last... I had arrived at the Seattle aquarium to a welcoming crowd of onlookers.

World's 1st Famous Killer Whale

I quickly became famous and the star attraction at the aquarium. I had songs written about me and even had a starring role in my very own movie. For years people had feared the killer whale, but now thanks to Griffin and I, we had changed peoples perspectives towards my species of gently giants, and they loved me. However due to my popularity, more orcas would unfortunately be captured in later years to do the same, starting an industry of killer whale entertaining. 

Ted Griffin had become my best friend. He was the first man to ever swim with a killer whale, thus leading to total trust between the two of us. Something that later would be known as "Waterworks". Although I enjoyed the crowds adoring cheers, there still seemed to be something missing...... 

A Potential Mate? 

One day, something was going on as I saw people gathering near a stretcher. I started spy-hopping to get a look. 

"Could it be?" I thought.  

Yes! I couldn't believe it! 

They were lowering another orca into my pen. 

It had been awhile since I've seen an orca, besides my family when they were crying to me while I was towed in that floating sea pen across the ocean.  

It was a younger female, she looked to be from one of the Southern Residents pods. We didn't talk much at first, as she was scared. The humans later dubbed the little one, calling her Shamu. Which is a combination of our names "She-Namu", which her name also means "Friend of Namu". We soon learned that she was here because Griffin wanted me to have a companion and eventually have us mate. But unfortunately we didn't really get along, and Shamu was soon sent to Seaworld California in December of 1965. Soon starting the industry of an entertainment market for Seaworld and killer whales all over the world. 

Which brings me to the sad ending of my life story. 

July 9th, 1966~

One normal day, I got a bacteria infection from the polluted water in my pen. Which resulted in me drowning and my death. I had lived almost over a year in captivity. 

The Legend goes on

Whales were captured in the waters of Washington and later Iceland between the 1970's to the late 1980's and earlier 90's to be brought to aquariums and marine parks all over the globe to entertain you humans and educate you to better understand our species. Shamu even became so incredibly popular at Seaworld that her name was soon used as a stage name of various other killer whales and their shows trademarked by the Seaworld parks across the United States, as well as my name. 

Many decades later, the continuous protests of keeping orcas in captivity eventually led to the downfall of Seaworld in March of 2016, when they officially announced they'd be ending their theatrical orca shows and breeding, thus beginning a new era. 

But now, orcas are still currently being captured in Japan and Russia and being sold to aquariums in that part of the world. 

And so my friends, let it not be that from what you have learned have a negative effect on you, but from what you have gained from your experience about my kind lead you to a better future of respect and care for the killer whales for generations to come.  

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