My Tears

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A few hours later:

      I learned that the Blonde Prince + cutie's name is Brandon. Pssh, It's not like I'm interested in the dude. Well maybe just a little... Okay,okay, you caught me. Yes, I do want to be friends with him, maybe even best friends. He seems even brighter than I thought. Definitley not the betrayal type, other than a player, right? I want the same with Rowely and Rachael. I think we would be an unstopable group. Lol. Me and my fantasies.

   I get out of gym and head to my 7th period class, Art. I kind of like art except for the part where I had to paint a flower printed vase. I'd rather draw nudes, I mean it's not like I need a model to do a pose or something cliché like that.
   Oh ya and I forgot to metion that Rowely and Brandon (Blonde Prince) are also in Art class.

   I have Rowely in Math, have both of them in Gym and art, and Rachael in my last 8th period class, current events.

   I finish my painting of the flower printed vase and look up to see the teacher, Ms.Lee, gasp at my art. "Wow, this is absolutley fabulous, can I go hang it up, are you finished?" Ms.Lee says in a very fast voice.

   "Ya I am, sure," I say smiling brightly at her compliment. She takes my painting and hangs it up to dry.

   I get off my stool just in time to see a running Rowely with sharp scissors in his hands. He trips and lands right on top of me. I felt a sharp pain near my elbow. I stare at the cut and sign. It's 4 inches long, but isn't that deep. Rowely gets off and sits up with sorrow in his eyes as he looks at the cut.

   "I'm-I'm so sorry. H-here let me take you to the nurses office." He grabed me lightly by the opposite arm, helps me up, and we walk out of the room without reporting it to the teacher.

   We walk into the nurses office that was a floor down. He motions me to sit down on the hospital bed. I follow his instuctions and sit. He goes and grabs handsanitizure. I stare at it knowing it would burn. "This will just clean the cut from any germs, don't worry," he says seemingly slightly amused by my expression for a person who caused me to get hurt. I just let him do it anyways since I wouldn't do it myself.

   "Ouch, ouch, ouch, owwyy, ow," I whisper-yell making sure I didn't squel too loud as two tears rolled down my face. I looked down at my cut that was still burning from the sentation and then at Rowely who was smiling, creepingly. He seemed amused by my pain. Too amused.

   He then seemed to snap out of it and went back to his normal self. Well kinda, for a while atleast.

   "You look even more beautiful than you already are when you look like this. Even your greyish black eyes shimmer and shine a bit. You should cry more," he says in a low seductive voice. I shake my head out of my thoughts. To be honest I am a little scared. This dude is way stronger than me and he's fully aware of that cause he planned this out perfectly without flaw.

   When he tripped he made sure to place the scissors in the right direction. He even made sure it was after lunch because I'm guessing the nurse wouldn't be here. He didn't tell the teacher and walked out knowing she would cancel the trip and just give me a bandaid because the nurse wouldn't be there.

   I wasn't exactly stupid, I just didn't know about his fettish and it all happened way too fast.


"What the actual f@?!? Can we go now? Just stop and patch me up already. Ugh. I--" He cuts me off as I was about to keep on ranting. He places a kiss on the tear trail below my left eye and continued down to my mouth. I try to push him off me, feeling his musculer toned chest on my hands as I began to push him.

   He grabs my hands forcefully and puts them behind my back still in the sitting position. Three more tears slip down my face as I whimper at the pain of my arms behind my back. I can feel his sick smirk on my lips. He pulls away still holding my hands and looks into my eyes. He smirks again and says,"you say anything, I'll make sure its hurts even more next time," my eyes widen a bit making sure I don't look too scared of him, I pull back. He laughs softly and pulls away. He walks out of the room. Me, still in shock.

   'Ding,Ding,Ding.' I jump in shock of the bell. I look at the clock and notice I've been out for 6 minutes. I run out of the nurses office cursing at myself and walk back to the art room.


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