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Hey there my lovely readers.

let me just take this opportunity to appreciate every single one of you.

now that my very first book is over i would like to thank everyone without whom this book would have been impossible.

i started writing this book almost 3 years ago and even i am amazed since then how far i have come. from no readers to almost 19K readers and still counting.

i started writing this book on wattpad just so i have a place where i can read my own story. to be honest i had never imagined anyone else reading the book and appreciating it.

i wouldnt have completed this book if it hadnt been for you guys.

the comments on each chapter motivated me to write, you have no idea how much i valued each of your vote.

if i decided to name each one of you, i might keep going on and on so i am going to refrain myself from doing that and instead just say,

if you are reading this, you are awesome.

Thank you to all those readers who showed their love in form of votes.

thank you all of them for leaving such wonderful comments and another special thanks to all of those silent readers who never really voted or commented but i know read each and every word i wrote. thank you guys.

special thanks to Systematic_Chaos29 once again for the cover. and to Beautiful6rose sukritigarg10 KigumiMeiko and SuzanneDCosta1 for being one of the earliest readers. and to qanioz GeniusGaurav KhushiHarne andXxUsernameTakenxX For sticking till the very end.

thank you to all those whose names i didnt mention.

overall i hope you liked the story Beware of Neighbourhood

and i hope you all will be willing to share it with your friends and family and with whoever you think will like it.

as i had promised that once i finish the book i will be editing it, and i am pleased to announce that the editing is done.

also while i was writing, some of you guys PM'd me with suggestions and advices which i have incorporated in the new edited version.

those who have finished reading the story, i would like it if you check out the edited version too, its the same, of course, but the initial chapters, especially chapters 1 to 7 are more polished and i have added lots of new scenes. i would be glad if you check those out. those who have not yet read the newer chapters, do read those too and be sure to vote and comment

lastly, i keep getting asked the question, what next?

let me tell you, i have a sequel planned. i dont know when i'll get time to write it, could be this year or the next, but be sure that a sequel is definitely on its way.

if you guys have any ideas as to what the sequel should be about, do PM me those and i'll see if i can work on it. i am also currently working on a Fantasy novel. planning to try my hand at writing Fantasy Genre too, but of course i am not going to publish that book unless its complete. i have to avoid the problem of slow updates and infuriating the readers after all.

anyway that was it. if you like, do check out my two little short stories too. the time Paradox, which is sci fi and Journey from Death to Life, which is a bit serious and talks about issues of living ones life to the fullest.

anyway thats all. i am finally taking your leave, and i hope to be back soon and return with even better plot points, cliffhangers, twists and turns.

have a nice time reading




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