18 - I swear it wasn't me!

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-------- A/N

hello readers

*Spoiler Alert*

this chapter contains multiple references to chapter number - 16 "you had been warned"

so if you think your memory is good, and you remember that chapter quite well, then no worries, go on and read this chapter...

but... if you are doubting your memory, then i would suggest you just go through the 16th chapter and then read this one.

anyway, i hope you will like this chapter. 

do let me know what you think




We drove the whole way silently. I had never seen mom so angry before. She was gripping the wheel so tight that her knuckles had turned white. I didn't dare to speak.

The moment we entered the driveway, mom cut out the ignition and stepped out of the car. I stayed there, thinking.

"You want a special invitation or something?" she asked, and I got out slowly.

The moment we entered the house, she slammed the door shut.


Jason was sitting at the dining table and came in the living room as he heard mom shout.

"Look mom. I did not do anything. You have to believe me. She called me...."

"I KNOW! I heard! You think the Sheriff didn't tell me?"

"Seriously? You believing him?" I asked harshly.

"Yes! I am! How could you do this Ashley? I trusted you. You told me you both will be fine when I am away and now this...." she said, unable to control her temper, and sat down on the couch.

"How do you think I must have felt? Couldn't you at least think before doing it? I don't know if you find this funny but believe me, it's not" she continued, closing her eyes.

"You still think I pulled the prank? Mom, I am your daughter. Don't you know that I am not that type?"

"The sheriff said that when he called that girl, she was safe at home. Now I don't know what to believe."

I shook my head but didn't say anything.

"Mom...maybe we should just try to..." Tried Jason but mom looked at him angrily and said "you stay out of this. I don't need any type of justification about her behaviour."

She looked at me again and added "Ashley, you could have at least thought before calling the police. I mean, what if it wasn't that girl?"

"What? You think I could have imagined all this? How could you even think that? I don't even have good imagination!" I blurted.

"Whatever, the thing is that...what you have done, this behaviour is...Is..." she struggled to find the right words.

"Pathetic? Disgraceful? Disappointing?" I said

"Yes! Precisely, thank you!" she said angrily.

"So..." she continued "this cannot go unpunished. From now on, Ashley, I am grounding you for two months"

"What? that's not fair!"

"Three months" she said angrily.


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