14 - The Lost son

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For a long moment, neither of us moved.

"Was that what I think it was?" I tried.

"A gunshot? Yes" whispered Kevin.

"Oh my god!" I said.

"We should help" suggested Kevin.

"You're right, no time for knocking now" said Jason bravely stepping forward and knocking me aside. Then he did something which was both; very brave and very stupid. He directly ran towards the door, slamming his shoulder against the door, attempting to break it open, however the door didn't budge and Jason stepped off, howling in pain as he had managed to hurt his shoulder. Kevin and I looked at each other; I turned the Handle, the door opened. It was already open! What sort of moron would think of breaking the door without first checking if it was open? But then looking at Jason I realised; my brother was that moron.

Thus, opening the door, the three of us ran in. The house seemed strangely silent. As if no one lived there. The smell of alcohol hung in the air. We stood facing the staircase, leading upstairs. On one side stood the living room, leading to the messy kitchen and on the other side the whole wall was covered with pictures. As we stood there panting, we heard footsteps as a figure appeared on the top of the staircase, climbing down.

I must admit that at first I was shocked. I had imagined peter Dawson to be quite old, but as he came down I notice that he was young, in his late 20's perhaps, wearing a dressing gown, shabby, unshaven, with wild hair resembling a halo. He just passed us as if he didn't even notice then he suddenly stopped and turning toward us said,

"Don't you kids have any manners? Or are you just used to barge into someone's house?" When he spoke it was clear that he was drunk, since his speech was slightly slurred.

"Umm, sorry. We heard a gunshot and thought..." I said.

"... That someone might be hurt" completed Kevin.

"Ah! That was probably me" he said, taking out a gun from his pocket.

"I was doing some target practise" he said pointing at the wall next to the staircase. The wall contained only one painted red circle in the centre for target practise, and looking at it, it was clear that none of his bullet had hit the target since except the target circle; the entire wall was covered with bullet holes.

"Why were you doing target practise?" Jason asked curiously.

"Why do you think? Because I was bored" he said firing two more shots at the target which he missed widely.

"He is the future of Jason after 10 years" whispered Kevin in my ear and I let out a small chuckle.

"You think it's funny don't you?" he said raising the gun, pointing it at my head. I instinctively stepped back, alarmed, and hit the wall. That made him laugh.

"We have travelled all the way just to meet you" said Kevin.

"Oh, I don't remember asking you!" he answered.

"We just wanted to know a few things" said Jason.

"Umm, don't care" he answered nonchalantly.

"We really wanted to see you" I said. He simply raised his hand (his other hand, not the one with the gun) and pointing at his own face said,

"Well there! Now that you have seen me, I would prefer if you leave, and by the way, don't let the door hit you on the way out"

"Why will the door hit us on our way out?" Jason asked stupidly.

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