8 - ...and then she went Missing...

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It was past 3 in the morning when Jason woke me up by shaking me vigorously.

"What are you – ouch" I said as I tried to turn and fell out from my bed.

"What the hell Jason?" I said loudly.

"Shh or else mom and dad will hear you" he said hushing me.

"Alright, what the hell Jason?" I whispered angrily.

He pointed towards the window with a shaky finger.

I got out of my bed and headed towards the window. The creepy house loomed straight ahead of me but it appeared the same every time. "What is so special about it?" I asked a little irritably.

"I was just looking through your window and..."

"- looking through my window?" I cut in.

"What are you doing in my room in the first place" I asked.

"I...II...wa...was just go...going thru...through the...you know...stuff" he stammered.

"Jason! Tell me this instant what are you up to?" I demanded.

"Well, I need money okay? And I know you have hidden it in your room here so I came to find it."

"Were you going to steal it from me? Jason how could you? Dad gave you your pocket money what do you need mine for?"

"Uh it's because...Vera has her birthday in a couple of days and I really want to give her something special"

"Vera? Who?" I asked frowning.

"Oh you know, veronica" he added timidly.

"You just didn't! What is wrong with you? Look at her! She probably doesn't even like you? Are you a fool?"

"Maybe I am, but please listen to me this is serious!" he said hurriedly.

"What is it?" I asked roughly.

"I just saw veronica going in the haunted house"

"What?" I asked chuckling.

"It's not funny! I swear it was her! I came here looking for money and there she was! I saw her through your window. I saw her going in the house!"

"It's so dark, how did you know it was her?"

"It was her, I mean it must be, she was wearing the orange dress from the party"

"I can't see her" I said looking out the window.

"She must have gone round the corner" he said.

"Exactly, then how can you say she went in?"

"You have to believe me Ash, I know what I saw." He said defiantly.

Just then I heard a movement in the next room and realised that mom must have woken up.

"Look before mom comes, go to your room" I said.

"But..." He argued.

"No buts, Jason. I don't know if you think this fun or something but Veronica would not have possibly gone there. That too alone at this time of the night"

He looked at me angrily and stomped out of the room. I ignored him and went back to bed.

When I got up the next morning the events of the previous night were quickly forgotten, it was Saturday and I had planned to go to Stacy's house for the weekend. Stacy lived in phoenix and after breakfast mom drove me to her house.

Weekend at Stacy's was fun!

Her parents were both cheerful and friendly and Stacy and I had a great time, after all, we both had lots of catching up to do.

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