4 - Guess there's a mean girl in Every school

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As the days went on, the events of the night slowly disappeared into the back of my mind, I even started to look forward to attending the new school. I still remember my very first day to the local school; Lumiere High.

On his way to work Dad dropped us off at the school, telling us to stick together but as soon as we entered the gates, Jason and I immediately parted ways as he first headed for the cafeteria and I slowly made my way to the office to get the schedule.

After being questioned and then made to wait for almost fifteen minutes I got to meet the Principal and by the time I got my schedule it was already late as my very first class was just about to start in the next five minutes.

As I was hurrying along the corridor, my head buried in the timetable in front of my face, I slammed into a girl. For all I knew the girl I slammed into could have appeared out of thin air, I hadn't even heard her approach. "I am sorry I..." I began to say but trailed off as I looked at her.

The girl was smiling at me in the way which only meant bad things. Then tossing her long brown hair she glanced down at my feet and I followed her gaze and saw that her mobile phone and all the contents of her purse were strewn across the floor. "You dropped it...so..." she said with a smirk and I immediately understood that since it was me who dropped it, she was expecting me to pick it up. I pursed my lips. I didn't wish to start a fight on my first day of school. I rolled my eyes as I bent down and hastily started gathering all her things, stuffing it into her bag.

"I am so sorry. It's just my first day, and I was running late so, I guess I wasn't really looking where I was going." I said.

She didn't reply. She just stood there, without even bothering to help. I was not into the habit of judging but somehow to me she looked like the sort of girl who could probably purchase everything in the world and still have enough money to spend.

Annoyed, I got up. She was still smirking at me, probably pleased with herself for making me bow down and pick up her stuff like that. I frowned as I handed her purse back to her "what are you smirking at? What's wrong with you?" I asked, puzzled and she just rolled her eyes, exasperated already.

She was dressed in purple stilettos, purple skirt coming up to her thighs and sleeveless purple top. To complete this, she also had purple hair band, necklace, and huge dangling earrings.

Without another word she moved to walk past me purposely bumping her shoulder against mine. "Hey, watch it!" I said. She stopped and turned "oh, like you did?" she asked.

"Whoa wait, I said I am sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. It was an accident you don't have to be a jerk about it" I snapped, unable to hold it back. She stared back at me

"Why bother running around the corridor if you can't see?"

"I was late for my class..."

"you should have reached early..."

"I did!"

"You dropped my phone. Stupid." She added bitterly, as an afterthought.

"Now-Now, is that a way to talk to a new student? You must be an incredibly friendly person to be with" I said packing as much sarcasm in the sentence as humanly possible.

"Sorry if I didn't take your feelings into account, I wasn't aware when she started letting retards in school" she said.

"Oh, so is that why you go here?" I asked seriously and she pursed her lips. She looked at me as if I had slapped her in face, which to be honest, I was tempted to do. Then quickly her arrogant smile returned. I mean, that's what she thought she was doing because to me she looked like a cow with toothache.

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