19 - Give me a Break

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The next day was a Saturday and I was glad that I didn't have to face school. However, to spend the whole day at home without any mode of entertainment was boring as hell.

Finally as Monday arrived, I went to school, immediately wishing that I hadn't. It was as if the whole episode with Angela had spread throughout the school, like wildfire. Wherever I went I was greeted with awkward smiles, pitiful glances and weird looks, I could feel people gossiping about me behind my back. Obviously, in the whole episode I was the victim, but somehow the story in school was twisted into something which made me look villain and Angela, the victim.

I had no doubt that Angela must have started the whole thing. She must have told people that it was my prank and those people might have been stupid like me to believe her.


I went towards my class, noticing a few heads turned in my direction.

It was math class, the very first class of the day.

Usually I sat with Jenna and Debby for math but as I walked in I noticed that they were sitting on the usual place, but they had kept their bags on the place where I sat.

What the hell? I muttered.

I kept my eyes down and slowly headed towards the back of the class and sat down at the very last bench.

A guy next to me, called Zoë, looked at me and whispered


I decided to ignore him, but I knew it was of no use.

"What?" I asked in irritable way.

"Is it true?...you actually did it?" he asked.

I was about to answer when he said

"Wow man...that is just so cool. I never thought of doing it. Just fantastic! You're really cool" he added with a smirk.

Great, people were pleased. But look at him! With the entire piercing and leather jacket look, he himself was caught twice for shoplifting. He was going to say something but I was saved at that moment as Mrs, Matthew entered the class.

I was least interested in all my classes as my mind continued to focus on what I was supposed to do.

Mom was angry, dad was probably angry; the whole school didn't believe me. I was still having a hard time believing the whole thing myself. How did everyone know within less than a day? How come my story spread like a wildfire before the first day of the week was even over. What else? By the end of the day they might start a I-HATE-ASHLEY-CLUB.

I was so sure that I must be the most interesting topic of gossip in my class.

But I didn't care what people thought. I had to prove that I was innocent. How could I? I had to make people believe that Angela had really gone in, and that she had planned everything, but so far all I had was a theory with no proof. And I knew it would be much hard to explain.

Secondly I was also having hard time to believe how Angela had got away with it.

Kevin had said that so far many people had disappeared from that house. Megan had been captured


Why wasn't Angela trapped? The whole thing didn't add up.

According to Richard, he had gone in first, that time nothing had happened, then Megan went in to save him, and she got trapped. Why wasn't Richard trapped? In the same way even Angela returned safely

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