25 - Close Encounter

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I swallowed. Ever get the feeling as if you are running through thick, dense forest trying to find your way out and suddenly you burst out through it, only to find yourself at the edge of a cliff with a steep fall down a chasm. That's just how I felt staring into Dexter's eyes.

I couldn't believe my luck, we had endured all the bruises, hits and even a bullet wound only to reach the door! And now that we were actually here, we found it to be blocked by Dexter.

Beside me, Kevin tensed all over.

Dexter on the other hand looked as if he was watching a climax of a really tragic movie. Just for a second I saw something flash in his eyes, it was almost like annoyance but he smoothed it over, his gaze returning to the cold, calm and calculating look.

As Kevin and I stood frozen, glaring at him, he cleared his throat audibly taking a step towards us, "this seems like an unpleasant surprise, doesn't it?"

I saw his eyes briefly moving, quickly checking out the place, before resting on me. "Ashley Winchester" he muttered piercing me with his cold look. It was the way he said my name, slowly, deliberately, which made me shiver. "Winchester? As in the town Winchester? or the rifle?" he muttered, then continued "You certainly do have the ability to surprise me" there was a way in which he spoke, rolling each syllable on his tongue, as one might enjoy a rare wine.

As casually as possible he started moving towards me, I saw Kevin glaring at him furiously, it seemed as if Kevin was physically preventing himself from tackling Dexter to the ground.

I stepped back just as Dexter reached me and without any warning he grabbed the collar of the jacket which I was wearing, pulling me towards him.

"Get your hand off me" I said through gritted teeth as he unzipped my jacket, examining my bloody top, which was torn to rags. I didn't dare move, my body tense under his touch, there was something extremely disgusting about this but I didn't fight back. What was the point? He was stronger than me and He would kill us anyway. Besides even if I did try, I doubted he would hesitate before putting a bullet in my brain but worse than that, I had a vague feeling that if I tried anything, he would directly take it out on Kevin.

"hmm" he muttered, almost to himself,

"Not bad... who would have thought. The jacket you wore actually protected you from real damage."

I glared at him angrily, real damage? I was knocked out, drugged, hit, shot at, slapped and almost been converted to a human blood bag! My jeans was torn to ribbons, my arms and legs covered in bruises, my top torn and bloody, there was a deep gash on my head, and the side of my face was covered with dried blood, and Dexter still called this No real damage?

He seemed to have read my mind because just then he said,

"In any case I wasn't expecting to see you back on your feet so soon. Where are my men?" he asked suddenly, in a stern voice; as if realizing for the first time that there was no one else around except the three of us.

I swallowed before answering, mainly just to keep my voice form cracking "why? Wanna join them?"

Something very close to anger flashed in his eyes for a moment before he raised his other hand, the one not holding the gun, and gripped my jaw tightly, forcing me to look into his eyes, he leaned forward as if to say something when Kevin spoke.

"Don't...you dare...touch her!"

Dexter blinked, his expression cool and amused as he turned his head slightly to look at Kevin, regarding him as if for the first time ever since he entered.

"Ah! Look who decided to pay a visit...Mr Kevin Swanson" he announced then asked, in a much gentler tone "are you taking your medications regularly? how are the allergies?"

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