Chapter Forty

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CH. 40

Living in the Burrow was an adventure. We all had chores, which I didn't mind... even having a House Elf she always made sure I'd know how to care for myself once she was gone or I'd grown up. Well, really, I don't know what the plan was for when I'd grown up. I'm sure I'd still technically be considered unsafe, I wouldn't have known to hide my identity I don't think...

After around five days of living with some of my best friends, I began to feel completely happy again. Of course at night, however, it would hit me that I couldn't owl Sirius and tell him everything I was doing and learning. So I'd owl Remus, he's always busy- or makes himself busy... he never thinks he's good enough to be around us. But I need him, he's all I have left right now. I like talking with Harry, but I feel bad... I'm here with his best mate, and he's suffering with our relatives.

Around the fourth day of my second week with the Weasleys', I was sitting at a desk in Ginny's room, which had been made into a room for both of us. I was playing with Orion, who I've been tending to call Ori. She was rolling around in loose parchment scraps. Emiliani was curled up in my lap, missing being babied lately.

It's around this time that Hedwig would fly in with my letters from Harry. Always one for me, usually one for Ron, occasionally one for someone else- if they took the initiative to owl him first. But she was late, it was almost supper time.

When Hedwig finally flew in, she was obviously tired. Instead of holding one or two envelopes in her mouth, she had several tied to her ankle. I untie her, then let her rest in Emi's cage and have some food and drink.

"Who today, Harry?" I mumble, sifting through the letters. Emi hopped out of my lap and waddled her little owl waddle over to her cage where she greeted Hedwig. Ori rolled herself into my lap so I could have the free space to go through the letters. "Siri, Ron, Ginny, Mrs. & Mr. Weasley, and... Sirina?" I hold the envelopes in confusion, "but... clearly Harry wrote Siri... why is--"

"Posie, supper's ready!" Ginny poked her head in the door. "Anything good?" she glances to my letters.

"Uh, here... this ones for you." I take Ginny's and Ron's and follow her out. I should have brought Molly and Arthur's... but I was confused by the difference in hand writing. I wanted to read mine before giving theirs to them.

Ginny sits as I hand Ron his letter, then take the last seat left at the table– between Ron and George. George ruffled my hair up as I was down. "I think you're due for a haircut, Rina!" he chuckles.

I roll my eyes, pulling all of my hair up into a ponytail. "What's the point? I'll fix it before we go out anywhere, okay?" Honestly, I was getting sick of always having hair in my face– PLUS, I was beginning to get acne on my forehead from it. No fun.

"Well," Fred leans forward to talk to me past George, "we were wondering if you'd like to come spend some time in the shop!"

"Really?!" I squeak excitedly.

Molly nods, "we've all discussed it. I think it could be good for you... to, you know, get more aquatinted with things in our world." She stops, thinking for a moment, "I know you grew up with all of knowledge and such, but... being around other witches and wizards could be good for you!"

Ginny gasps, "you're so lucky!"

"She won't be having all fun..." George laughs, "you have to work, Rin."

"I will!" I nod excitedly. "I'll be your hardest working employee, I promise!"

"Well," Fred raises his eyebrows, "you'll be our only employee. Right now it's just the two of us!"

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