Chapter Nineteen

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"ROSE!" Charlie's voice rings through the house. Rose. Not Sirina. Someone's here. I pull my hair down, letting it fall over my scar, then make my way downstairs, still in my pajamas.

"Yea?" I ask with a yawn, plopping myself onto the sofa beside him, basically falling asleep.

"Your owl came." He tells me. This doesn't explain why he called me Rose.

"Morning, Rose." A voice says from behind me. I crane my neck around to see the man from the Dragon place, when I was almost attacked.

"Err, hello.." I answer.

"Oh, this is Joel." Charlie says with a laugh. "He lives next door."

I nod with a smile. "Nice to meet you."

He sits in the chair across from us on the couch, clutching a large cup of tea. He had messy brown hair, darker features-like the Patil's, I noticed-and he was very muscular, more so than Charlie.

"Where's Emiliani?" I ask, turning to Charlie. "My owl, I mean.."

"She flew up to the attic, with my owl." He laughs, "they've become friends. Your letters, however, are in the kitchen."

"Thanks," I smile, going to the kitchen to retrieve my letter. Familiar hand writing was scribbled on the front of the first one, Little Sirina.

I quickly rip open Remus's letter, reading it excitedly.

Little one,
We are planning to bring you home, Headquarters. But you will be here as Rose, not Sirina. And the children believe you are with Charlie purely for study purposes.
Can't wait to see you,

I smile excited at the fact that I get to see everyone for Christmas, until the thought dawns on me that I can't treat Remus or Sirius how I normally would. Well Remus, I can...but Sirius has to be treated about the same as Molly, or Arthur.

Shaking these thoughts from my head, I turn back to my small stack of letters. Emiliani must have been confused on where to go, so the letters stacked up until someone told her where I was.

Rosie Posie was written sweetly on the next one. Obviously a girls handwriting. Someone who knows Rose, not Sirina. Hermione? Ginny?

Hello Rosie,
Mum just told us that Remus sent you to Romania to learn about Dragons...did you really? I'm so jealous. Anyway, you're coming for Christmas? I'm so excited!
Love dearly,
Ginny M. Weasley

I'll have to respond to her soon. She can know everything now. I can tell her why I'm here, much as I know myself, anyway.

The next letter was labeled with Rose Evans. Messy handwriting. Not the twins. Ron or Harry. Though, I don't see Ron writing to me. Ever.

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now