Chapter Three

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There were voices in the floors below me. I'd been in this room for a few days, Sirius or Remus would come see me. Bring me things. But I was more alone here than before. At least before I had 24/7 contact with Paddy.

I decided to go out tonight. Roam a bit. While everyone was asleep. It couldn't do any harm.

"Hello Little one." A voice says, very obviously Remus. I look up from my DADA book.


"I brought some food." He states.

"Thanks." I smile, taking the tray and setting it on my bedside table.

"What are you looking at?" He asks, sitting on my bed beside me.

"Bogarts." I state. "I want one.."

"What?" He laughs.

"I mean, to practice with..." I shrug. "More accuracy."


I smile before producing my doe. "I wanna try against something for once."

"That's... Very advanced magic."

"I have a lot of free time.." I state, watching my doe turn to mist.

"Yea.." He says quietly. "I should probably go before anyone wonders where I am..."

"Okay.." I nod, watching him leave me once again alone with my books. I wonder if I could really move around in here, or if it would make noise and attract attention, like when I used to wake Paddy in the middle of the night while I was in the attic.

There's a large mirror leaning against the wall, I stand in front of it looking at myself. Still not feeling like that girl was me. I brushed out my hair, trying to detangle it, which was possible, though it took a lot of work. The scar on my forehead stuck out like a sore thumb, I always hated it. It was a reminder that I should be dead, or kidnapped and suffering, nobody really knows what the original plan for me was. Well, not as far as Paddy was informed that is.

I spot a pair of scissors sitting on the table in the corner, and grasp them. I pull the front of my hair sideways, covering half of my face, then chop it, so that the front strands remains falling over the right side of my face down to about my chin. I smile, looking at myself. New hair for a new me. My clothes looked too old me, too. Sweat pants and a tee-shirt.

I pull open a drawer, and take a pair of black shorts, and before stopping myself, heft the trunk open, and change into my dad's jersey as well. I look at my reflection again, a bit more pleased. I loved how the jersey fit me, even though it was big. It felt right.

The tray of food sitting on my dresser was levitated to me with my wand. I ate it sitting on the floor, not wanting to spend any more time in that bed. With a flick of my wand, the curtains were opened, letting natural light flood in. There was no way to know what time it was, but seeing as I just got my third large meal of the day, I'd guess it's between five and eight o'clock.

I sat in the center of the floor, watching out the window as the light dimmed into darkness. I would wait a while longer before I ventured out, just to be safe that nobody would see me. What would I do when I did go out? Walk around until I got lost? Probably.

The sound of footsteps and voices broke me from my thoughts, I crawled silently to the door, listening. I jumped as the door handle jiggled. "It's locked!" A voice said. It wasn't Remus or Sirius. "The only one locked? We have to go in." It said again. "Yes! Most definitely!" It responded to itself. Whoever was outside this door was crazy enough to talk to themselves. My heart was pounding in my throat. But I was frozen to where I was, kneeling at the door. It was locked, I was safe.

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now